"Say anything," Aria threatened, "And I'll slit your goddamn throat."

I nodded slowly, trying not to let the knife any closer. The tip pricked the delicate skin on my neck, and a thin line of blood made its way down my throat. Aria smirked triumphantly and took the knife away. Honour and Emmett immediately moved forward to pick me up.

"I'd say you're a good bargaining tool, huh?" Aria laughed.

"Get off me!" I screamed. Aria scowled and slammed her fist into my windpipe, effectively cutting off my air circulation.

"Remember our promise?" she snarled. Emmett's arm reached over me, and I took the opportunity to bite down on it. Blood filled my mouth as Emmett howled in pain. He tugged his arm free from my grasp and punched me across the face. Red danced across my vision and a blinding pain seared my face. I screamed again and kicked out.

"Just kill her already!" Piper screamed.

Honour dropped me with a shriek of anger, and my head clanged against the ground. It felt like someone was crashing cymbals in my head. I moaned.

"Talia!" someone screamed. Ramona.

I opened my eyes and began to scramble away from the Careers. Aria's lips curled into a snarl as she leapt for me. I screamed as I was dragged down to the ground with Aria on top of me. She sat on my back and grabbed my hair in two fistfuls. I howled in pain, but she ignored me. She yanked on my hair, bringing my head up, then slammed my face into the dirt. My nose made an awful cracking sound as it made contact with the ground. She repeated it several times, every blow sounding like a gong going off in my head.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Chase and Ramona haul themselves up from the cliff. Chase immediately dived for Aria, his face contorted into one of anger. She squealed as she was dragged down. I took the opportunity to make a break for the cliff. After a few steps, a searing pain flashed along my right calf. I looked around in time to see Damon holding a blood-covered sword, his smirk triumphant. Ramona ran up to him, holding one of the throwing knives from her pack. She threw it at him and it impaled his shoulder. He howled and pulled it out, then kicked it over the cliff.

Great. Now we were screwed.

I clutched my bleeding nose with one hand, and my burning calf with the other as Ramona quickly helped me down. We reached a small cave in the cliff a little above where we were earlier.

"Get in, now." She demanded. I crawled in without questions.

"We'll be back soon." Ramona promised. She reached in and grabbed a few more knives from her pack, then began to climb.

I looked around at the small cave. All our packs were here, so Ramona or Chase must have brought them up. I opened my pack and found my first aid kit. I looked down at my calf and nearly threw up. The cut was deep and already looked infected. The skin around the jagged cut was a sallow yellow, and what I assumed was pus was forming near the wound.

I quickly cleaned the cut, then put on some antiseptic. I nearly screamed from pain, but I tolerated it. After I did that I quickly wrapped in up in some bandages. I sighed. Now there was my nose to attend to.

I looked around in my first aid kit, yawning as I did so. I couldn't find anything for my nose, so I simply cleaned it, put some bandages on and waited for Chase and Ramona.

After a few minutes, it was a massive struggle to simply keep my eyelids open. My leg looked like someone had just thrown up on it. The pus and blood seeped through the bandages at an alarming rate, and the wound began spewing disgusting looking stuff that couldn't possibly be either blood or pus. I frowned. What the hell was goin-

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