If It's Not Broken, Don't Fix It

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We make our way down the hall of the emergency ward, weaving through the people rushing the other way.

Where is she? Where's my sister? She has to be somewhere. The nurse said she was supposed to be down this hallway. Or that she was going to be in one of these rooms soon. I wasn't really paying attention. The second she pointed in this direction I stopped caring what she had to say and just started running. In retrospect, I probably should've cared what she had to say but I just wanted to get to my sister so badly that I forgot to care.

I hope it's not my fault that she got hurt. Buffy and I didn't exactly leave things on the best of terms earlier, which is mostly my fault. She just made me so angry when she wouldn't budge on where I was going to college next year. I didn't really think that she would go out slaying afterwards. She probably went out because of me. Buffy was pretty angry at me for wanting to stay here instead of going off to some big expensive school out of state. Sometimes when she's really angry she'll go out slaying to blow off some steam on any vamp or demon she can get her hands on.

I don't really get it but then I'm not a slayer. Buffy probably went toe to toe with some big bad demon she couldn't handle on her own and ended up hurt because of it. God I don't know what I'll do if it's my fault she got hurt. Why couldn't she find some other non-violent way to work out her anger? It would save a lot on hospital bills to say the least.

About twenty feet in front of me, I catch a glimpse of Faith standing in the middle of the hallway, pacing uncomfortably.

Thank god, she'll know where Buffy is and how she's doing.


She looks around at hearing me call out her name and I raise my hand in the air over the doctors and nurses going about their business, waving to my girlfriend.

"Faith, over here!"

After a few moments, she notices me and sorta half smiles, making her way over to me. When she gets within arms length of me, she opens her arms and I run right into her. She has to take a step back when my momentum almost knocks her over, my arms wrapped around her with every ounce of strength in me. Her own arms are around me in seconds and holding me, making me feel better.


I'm so glad she's here.

"Is Buffy all right?"

"She's fine Dawn."

Pulling back slightly, I look up at her.


"Yes, the doctors are just doing some x-rays to check her arm. It got messed up pretty bad during the fight but she's fine."

That has me taking a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god..."

She uses one hand to cup my face and kisses me softly. The taste of her lips makes me feel a little less nervous about my sister being in the hospital. I bury my face in her shoulder as we continue to hold each other.

"She's all right Dawn. Everything's all right."

There are a few moments of silence where I get to enjoy the feel of her body against mine. Then Faith acknowledges my friends with me.

"Hey guys..."

Candy is the first to respond while I step back from Faith.

"Hi Faith, so Buffy's gonna be all right?"

I stand between Faith and my friends, holding Faith's hand while they talk.

"Looks that way, she's a pretty tough slayer, but then you guys know that already."

Just a College Girl (girlxgirl) (Book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang