Remembrance of Spells Cast

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With a book in my hand, I don't even pretend to be focusing on what's in my hands, instead staring at my girlfriend and my sister on opposite sides of the room back and forth.

It was all part of the spell. That's all. She would never think that way about her. She told me so. She just... wouldn't. Neither of them would. They would never do that to me, I know that, they both told me that. There's nothing for me to worry about. Whatever Faith might have said yesterday, it was all just part of the spell. She didn't really mean any of it.

Except... if she didn't really mean any of it, then doesn't that mean that she didn't really mean to come by the way she did in the first place? That she never really meant to surprise me naked in bed and to be together the way she wanted us to be? I... I don't want to believe that. She did want us to be together and make love. She did. But, if she meant everything about wanting to make love to me, then she must've meant what she said about my sister too.

Only... I know that's not true. Faith doesn't think about my sister that way anymore. She told me so. And Faith would never lie to me about that. She loves me too much to do something like that to me. Faith doesn't have feelings for my sister in that way, and never will. She loves me and me only. But, how can she mean it about wanting to be with me and not mean what she said about wanting my sister to join in on what we were doing? I can't figure it out.

My eyes shift to my sister all the way across the room. She looks very tense sitting there with a book in her lap.

At least I know that Faith would never cheat on me, especially with Buffy. And I know Buffy would never do that to me. She would never go anywhere near someone who means as much as Faith means to me in that way. They both did, a long time ago. After I found out about their past, we talked about it a lot. Mostly because I couldn't really let any of it go right away. I kept asking about how their day went, whether anything strange happened, when the classes started, when they ended, whether they did anything after the classes.

It was just really hard for me to get over the whole thing at first. They had a thing together. They slept together. It gives them a connection, a history that might not be completely over. I've never been sure that it's really ever been over. But they kept telling me it was. They kept telling me that there's nothing between them anymore, and I believed them. I still... pretty much... believe them. But every time they have fun together, every time I see them laugh together... part of me has to wonder.

I know better though. This has to be someone else's fault. It can't be real what's happening. Whatever happened, Faith wanted to do it, but then whatever this spell thing is took over and made it different. It changed things and twisted things to make her say the kinds of things she did. Someone wanted to hurt me, and Faith, by getting her to do all those things.

Looking over in the opposite direction of my sister for a while, I watch Candy for a moment.

This has to be her. She has to have done something to make all this happen. There's no other explanation really. She kissed me, and I told her to go to hell, and now she's jealous. She wants to hurt me and Faith so she can have me for herself. But it's not going to happen. I'll make sure of it. I just... don't have any idea how to prove it exactly. I don't even know where to start proving it.

Something has to happen eventually though. Some clue that will give me the opening to start accusing her of doing whatever it is that she did to Faith. It always does. Whoever does bad things always has something come back to them to show how evil they truly are, and Candy needs to be shown for the evil bitch that she is. I wish I could go over there and punch her in the face. We have to push her out before things get worse.

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