Idle Thoughts

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We make out in our regular booth at Slash. Me, practically sitting in Faith's lap, enjoying the feel of one of her hands pressed firmly into my back, forcing us closer together than we probably should be in a public place.

Of course, when I'm with Faith like this, I don't really care who sees us together. As long as they don't try and stop us from doing it. Like those assholes a couple months ago. God I just wanted to smack those guys as hard as I could. Apparently they had some big problem with our 'choice of lifestyle' or something. Saying it wasn't the 'right way to live' and that we should consider dating them instead because that's what God wanted.

You know, it still amazes me how guys can find something like God and turn it around as a reason to get laid. But whatever, there aren't any people like that around here tonight. And that's a very good thing because I feel like making out with my girlfriend and I don't want anyone trying to stop me. The only thing that's going to keep me from Faith, even for a second, is oxygen.

It quickly becomes an issue and we break apart to catch our breaths. She smiles up at me and I kinda chuckle at her.

She looks like she has something on her mind. I don't know how she could after all the making out we've been doing, but I might as well ask.


Her smile turns into a bit of a grin.

"Nothing, it's just... is everything all right DK?"

That has me raising an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

"Well I sorta had to ask because you don't normally get this frisky until we have a few drinks and maybe a dance or two. And since my first drink is still sitting on the table getting warm, it seemed a little strange."

Readjusting myself in her lap, I look into her eyes.

"Do you have a problem with the way the night is going?"

She chuckles, letting her arms wrap themselves around my back. We press our bodies together lovingly and I enjoy the feel of her warm body on mine.

"Not overly. Just a little unexpected is all."

"Then just kiss me."

Before she can respond, I kiss her passionately. It has her growling into my mouth and that makes me want her even more. The fun doesn't last long though, when she puts her hands on my face and pushes me away slightly.

"You're sure nothing's wrong?"



"Because you know you can tell me if there is."

There's no way I can tell her about what happened earlier today. She's my girlfriend, she wouldn't understand.

"I know... but don't worry. Everything's fine."

We start to kiss again. Our making out goes on for a while, until we finally break it for air.

"So, how was the seminar thing? Was it any good?"

Why does she want to interrupt what we're doing?

"It was fine, I guess."

She shifts under me slightly and I feel her thighs rubbing against the underside of mine.

"Just fine?"

"Yeah, it was fine. What? You don't believe me?"

My girlfriend looks at me strangely for a second.

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