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Author's Note: So, we're coming up on the end of this story, although there is a sequel. Next chapter is the last chapter.

I didn't do this.

Burying my head into my pillow even more, I grip the sheets tightly when I start getting the feeling like I'm gonna cry again.

I couldn't have. That's not what the spell was supposed to do. It was only supposed to let me speak to Faith when she was in a coma. And it did that. There has to be some other explanation, there has to be. Candy had to do something. She had to... because if she didn't then it might really be my fault, and it's not my fault.

The sound of a key turning in a lock and a door opening leaves me frozen in my bed.

She's home... Buffy's home... Buffy can make this all right. She can make everything better. She has to. She stayed behind at the dojo to make sure that the reversal spell worked and everything was okay again. But it can't be okay because something else is going on. Whatever they did to reverse the spell on Faith, it can't have worked because the spell I did on Faith wasn't the only thing that did this to her, if it even had anything to do with it at all.

I turn myself over in bed and comb out my hair before getting up and heading out of my room.

Buffy can tell me how this isn't my fault.

My sister looks pretty stressed as I see her starting to unwind in the main hall of our apartment.

This has to be a good sign. Whatever spell they did probably didn't work and now she's frustrated about it.

"The spell... what happened?"

We make eye contact and my sister has a bit of a confused expression on her face.

"Nice to see you too Dawn..."

She's avoiding talking about it. That's a good sign for me. It has to be.

"It didn't work, did it? The reversal spell, it didn't work because there's something else going on."

Buffy gives me this confused and annoyed look.

"The reversal spell went fine. Willow worked out the incantation and now Faith is back to normal."



"She's fine Dawn. Whatever magic that was connecting the two of you is broken and everything is back to being as normal as our lives can ever get."

But... that doesn't make any sense.


"Well, the way Willow explains it, the spell that you did is supposed to create a two way connection between people who want to find a way to understand each other better by feeling each other's feelings. But because Faith was in a coma at the time, her brain wasn't functioning on a high enough level to create the connection both ways, so it became a one way street of feelings. All upload to her, no download from you. And because she didn't know where those feelings were coming from, if they were strong enough feelings, she was forced to act on them whether she wanted to or not. Willow worked the reversal spell so that there was a loop in the feelings being uploaded to Faith. Eventually the connection overloaded itself and broke the connection."

That can't be.

"I don't understand."

"I'm not really sure I understand either. Willow used a lot more words then that and kinda babbled for a while, but that's what Willow told me and I know her well enough to know she did it right."

Just a College Girl (girlxgirl) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now