Writing Meme 3: Lime

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Number Meme 3
Warning: You remember when I said there would be explicit content once in a while? This chapter has a good amount of it. I didn't mean for it to happen, it just did. So yeah. (It is also probably really cringe-worthy because I've never written that kind of thing before!)

The memes can be done different ways but it would be best if you did it in roleplay style

it's funny that way

Pick 10 random characters.
1. Japan 🇯🇵
2. Canada 🇨🇦
3. England 🇬🇧
4. S. Italy (Romano) 🇮🇹
5. China 🇨🇳
6. Russia 🇷🇺
7. Germany 🇩🇪
8. N. Italy 🇮🇹 (Italy. For whatever reason, he is just Italy)
9. France 🇫🇷
10. Seychelles 🇸🇨

You found 1's secret stash of chocolate.

Me: *about to eat chocolate* ...
Japan: *caught me mid-bite* ...
Me: ...
Japan: ... Could I please have those back?
Me: *puts chocolate down* Of corse. I shouldn't have done anything in the first place. Please excuse me.

2 confesses his love to you.

Canada: R-Rachel?
Me: Yes?
Canada: I... I r-really... like you...
Me: ...
Canada: S-Sophia?
Me: I...

You walk into 3 in the street at midnight.

Me: *walking home from... a bar. Sure, let's go with that.* *bumps into someone*'Ah!
England: Oh! Sophia! Didn't see you there.
Me: It's fine, I should of been watching where I was going. Hey, can I ask you something?
England: Yes love?
Me: What are you doing at this hour? Sober no less?
England: Wha- w-well, excuse you! Just because I'm out late doesn't mean that I'm out drinking!
Me: Sorry! But really, what are you doing out here?
England: W-well! Why are YOU out here?
Me: Me? Well I was just coming back... from a... bar...
England: Truly?
Me: ...
England: ... How's about you don't bother me about where I've been and I won't bother you about where you've been?
Me: Deal.

You win a free holiday with 4.

Me: A holiday with S. Italy? I'm not sure if 'win' is the right term.
Romano: H-hey! What are you talking about? I can be fun!
Me: Really?
Romano: Yeah! In fact just to prove it to you, let's go! Right now!
Me: Wait, where?
Romano: *grabs my wrist* We'll find out when we get there!

5 saves your life.

Me: Is that so?
China: I did?
Me: Wait... Oh yeaaaah!
China: What?
Me: Yeah! See...
England: I do hope you're enjoying your time here!
Me: Thanks! I really am!
England: Oh! I almost forgot! *wanders off*
Me: *sniff* *sniff* Is something burning?
England: *comes back with smoking tray* I made scones to commemorate your visit!
Me: Uh...
England: Well, go on! Take one!
Me: {this is it! This is the end! Goodbye world, you let me go just as it started to stuck. You couldn't have picked a better time for me to part from this world. Thanks for that at least!} Uh... Ok...
*dramatic closeup as I reach for the scone of death*
England: Bloody hell, can't you see I have a visitor?! Sorry love, this will just be a moment. You just have that scone while I'm gone. *walks away to deal with China*
Me: ... You know, maybe things don't suck THAT much after all! *throws scone into a potted plant's pot*
*flash forward*
China: Wow. Buddha works in many ways, aru.
Me: You can say that again.

6 is living in your house.

Russia: Oh Rachel~!
Me: *in a maid outfit* Y-Yes master?
Russia: We are out of vodka. Can you be doing me a favor and go to the store and pick up more?
Me: *bows* Yes master. *walks away* {Why me? *internally cries*}

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