Writing Meme 6: I couldn't even

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Number Meme 6

My god, I have way too many for a human being to have... Welp, no turning back now!

1. Canada
2. France
3. Lithuania
4. Germany
5. N. Italy
6. China
7. Japan
8. Russia
9. S. Italy
10. Prussia

1.) It is saturday and you are still asleep in your bed until [4] sits beside your bed and sings your favourite song. What do you do and which song is it? (Japan, What The World Needs Now)

Me: *sleeping peacefully*
Japan: *Wanders in* {Oh, I see she's asleep. Ah well, perhaps she would allow me to sing a little song I've heard America sing once.} *clears throat* What the world needs now is love, sweet love.
Me: *still asleep* It's the only thing that there's just too little of...
Japan: {Oh! I'm waking her up, I should probably leave now.}
He would not wake me up, the dude is just too polite! Also, the song is "What the World Needs Now."

2.) You have to get up and your first way is to the toilet, but it is occupied. After a while [8] is coming out from your toilet. Will you say something or just go in there? (Russia)

Russia: *walks out of bathroom*
Me: *walks in, takes toilet paper, wipes the seat, then continues to do business*

3.) After that you go to your bathroom. You make yourself fresh and after a while you notice that [2] saw everything. [2] was all the time here and watched you. Your reaction? (France... well then...)

Me: *stares at France*
France: *stares at me*
Me: ... Kindly get out, thanks?
France: Probably best I do. *walks out hurriedly*

4.) You go to the kitchen and you see that [5]'s favourite food is on the table. Will you eat it? (N. Italy)

Me: Oh look, there's pasta on the table! Man, I could really go for some... *looks at the kitchen and sees that it is covered in flour* Oh... so it's Italy's.... *looks at pasta hungrily* ... No, that would be rude. *walks away*

5.) You sit down on your couch and you decide to watch TV, but a few minutes later [10] jumps on you and screams. What happened and what will you do? (Prussia)

Me: *watching tv*
*thumping in the other room*
Me: The he-
Prussia: *Pounces on me* SOOOOOOPHIEEEEEE! How's it going, wife?

6.) After that mess, you get up and go outside. You just take a walk in the park and meet [7]. [7] is very happy to see you and hugs you tight. Your reaction? (Germany)

Me: *walking in the park*
Japan: *sees me* Oh, Sophia-Chan. *walks over*
Me+Germany: *stands awkwardly*
Japan: Uh... *awkwardly wraps arms around me, tightens grip, and leans upward*
Me: ... wha?
Japan: S-sorry, I have been trying to become more open to physical contact with others. It has been a very slow process.
Me: Oh. Huh. Good for you!

7.) [3] bumps into you meanwhile you are talking with [7]. Are you mad now? (Lithuania)

Me+Japan: *talking*
Me: *bump* Oof! Hey, watch- *turns around*
Lithuania: Oh, Miss Dune and Mr. Japan! I'm sorry to have bothered you, I've just been distracted lately, please excuse me.
Me: Oh, no, it's fine! Carry on!
Naw, Lithuania's cool, I think I have the most in common with him than anyone in Hetalia!

8.) You go further alone and look at the shops. You see a pretty dress and stare at it. Suddenly you notice that someone slaps your butt. Quickly you turn around and see that the culprit was [1]. What will you do? (Canada)

Me: Woooow, how do those mannequins even hold that much jewelr-
Me: *whirls around* What the actual hell?!
Canada: *smirks* *walks away, whistling*
Me: Wha- C-Canada?! W-Wait! You can't just slap my ass and walk away! Get over here!

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