Writing meme 5: AU + meme = HAVOC

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Number Meme 5
Name twelve of your favorite Axis Powers Hetalia characters in any order.
Me: Heh, Ima shake this up a bit. Let's add some AUs into the mix~! All AU people are owned by other people, keep that in mind!

1) England 🇬🇧
2) Canada 🇨🇦
3) S. Italy/Romano 🇮🇹
4) Vanya (Novgorod) (2p!/Bad God)
5) China 🇨🇳
6) N. Italy 🇮🇹
7) Nevo (Bad God)
8) France 🇫🇷
9) Spain 🇪🇸
10) Reve (Dream Reaper) (Dreamtalia)
11) America 🇺🇸
12) Sigmund (2p!/Bad God)

1) Have you read a five/ten fic before? (China x Reve)

Me: No. flat out no, and I doubt it exists.

2) Do you think three is hot? How hot? (S. Italy)

Me: Yes. That is an easy yes. I don't know how hot, all I know is that he is hot.

3) What would happen if six got one pregnant? (N. Italy, England)

Me: Eh... That would be... it would pretty much be Romano with England's eyebrows
Romano + England: EXCUSE YOU!
Me: But it's true though!

4) Do you recall any good fics about nine? (America)

Me: Not really, I don't read all that many fics about him. I don't like his self-centered attitude. I know he can be genuine sometimes but... no.

5) Would seven and two make a good couple? (Nevo x Canada)

Nevo: Canada~! Come to father, would you- * staff to the face*
Vanya: *wielder of said staff* NO.
Me: that's the situation pretty much. If Nevo was in his normal state of mind? Still no, Canada is practically his son that isn't his son, but not his son. Cause Tver's already his son that isn't his son. Wait what?

6) Four/eight or four/nine? (Vanya x France or Vanya x Spain)

Me: France. Easy. Back when Vanya was a real nation, Spain was one of the most powerful nations out there and a terrifying one at that, so that's a solid no. Besides, I think Vanya and France did have a thing at one point... wonder how that went?

7) What would happen if seven discovered three and eight in a secret relationship? (Nevo, France x S. Italy)

Nevo: ... {I could of sworn Lovino had a thing for Tver. Guess I was wrong. Huh.}

8) Make a summary of at least twenty words for a two/six fic. (Canada x N. Italy)

The cheery Italian has always been determined to at least try to befriend everyone he meets. It makes him sad to see someone else upset. That's why when he finds a young Canadian while meeting with America, he automatically makes it his goal to get the man out of his shell. Little does he know that there are some things Canada doesn't want anyone to know, especially Feliciano...
Me: Did I won?

9). Is there such a thing as a four/ten romantic fluff story? (Vanya x Reve)

Me: Probably. Most likely to both World and Sigmund's chagrin!

10) Suggest a title for a one/five Hurt/Comfort fic. (England x China)

Uh... "Love like a drug." Because the Opium Wars were a thing.

11. What kind of plot would you use for a three/eleven fic? (S. Italy x America)

Me: Romano keeps calling America names, but America keeps determined to stay with him. One day, Al stops Romano mid-rant and just hugs him. It's at that moment that Romano realizes he loves America.

12. Does anyone on your friends list read number seven het? What about nine slash?
(Nevo, Spain)
Neither. Not ever. I don't even think any of my friends know that Nevo is a thing!

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