30 Days Meme: Something a little different

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Hetalia 30 Days Meme
Warning! Opinions! This is all what I think, just like everything else in this book. Don't know why, but I wanted to clarify this on this entry in particular.

This is supposed to be done daily, but I just didn't have the patience to wait to do this once a day. So here!

Day 1: Your favorite character
Me: I've got to say Japan. He is a character that I both find hilarious and relatable on so many levels!

Day 2: Your least favorite character
Me: Had you asked me two years ago, I would of said Prussia with much hesitation. However now, I can confidently say that it's America. I just... meh. Too silly for me. Don't get me wrong, I love his hijinks, I just don't want to be the poor soul stuck with him.

Day 3: Character you would date
Me: *in a sound-proof room to answer this* As a one time thing? Then I'd take France. A big part of his character is how romantic he is! I bet it would be fun to go out, but probably only once. I wouldn't want him as a boyfriend! As in a long term relation ship? Either Canada or Germany. Canada because he is just freaking adorable. I find it hard to believe that anyone can hate him. Germany because I know more about his character. He can also be pretty cute when flustered. *expression darkens* Tell either of them this and I'll ring your neck so hard, it will look more like I choked you with a rope.

Day 4: Character you'd like to go shopping with
Me: Probably Taiwan, she knows some cute designs. Either her or Poland, you'd think he would know his way around cloths. Doesn't change the fact that I hate shopping though!

Day 5: Character you'd like as your child
Me: Well, having a kid at my current age would be terrible for my family, but when I'm older, I wouldn't mind Russia or HRE. HRE because he is a very manageable child and is too cute for this world. Russia because he deserves a better childhood. The poor guy is feared by all because of his up bringing. *overly dramatically* He just wants to be in a warm place with sunflowers, darn it all! I can give him that easily!

Day 6: What character would be your rival?
Me: Prussia. I really wouldn't mind him all that much and he already has Hungary to smack him around, but I can't think of anyone else for the life of me. Maybe America on a bad day.

Day 7: Character you have most in common with
Me: Lithuania, hands down. We're both very good at whatever we do, but get taken advantage of a lot and verbally can't really defend ourselves. Japan comes in second though for this reason;
Japan: "Now, place the pre-salted tuna in the salt water to soak. Once dry, add salt to bring out the flavor."
Me: this is an actual thing he said in the anime. I am not kidding in the slightest.

Day 8: Character you look the most like
Me: It would probably be Hungary. We share long, dark brown, thick hair. We're even similar on height!

Day 9: Character you'd bring home to your parents
Me: There are a few I could take home. Canada, Japan, and Lithuania rank pretty high on that list.

Day 10: Character you'd never bring home to your parents
Me: There a whole lot more people on that list than the previous one! Prussia, Denmark, Korea, America, France, Romano, Russia, there are too many to list!

Day 11: Character you'd become best friends with
Me: That's hard. I guess... Japan, Hungary, or Canada. They seem like people I could get along with.

Day 12: Character with your favorite voice
Me: I like Japan and Russia's subbed voices and adored France in the dub. Jay Michael Tatum will forever be known as France to me! Although I love China's character song!
(This is an actual thing Tatum said: No matter what I voice, even if I somehow did the best voice performance in the world for a different character, I will forever be known as the guy who does "The France Laugh." You know, at my funeral, I kinda want the France laugh to loop nonstop forever, even after the funeral. Just an eternal loop of "HonhonHONHONhonhon~" playing at my grave.)
France: Hey Sophia, who are you talking abo-
France: Aah! Just asking!

Day 13: Character you'd go camping with
Me: Probably Germany, he knows how to survive in just about any habitat!

Day 14: Character you wouldn't mind being roommates with
Me: Easy, Japan. He cleans up after himself and is a pretty easy-going person when at home.

Day 15: Character you'd want to cook for you
Me: Again, easy, France. He is one of the first people I think of when I think of the word "chef."
France: Honhonhon! I am flattered!
Me: You deserve the compliment! {you have the same voice as a couple hundred others!}

Day 16: Character you wouldn't mind prancing naked for you
Me: What even... *sigh* Well I heard that Germany likes to prance around naked so that could work.

Day 17: Your OTP

Day 18: Character you wouldn't mind as a parent
Me: China could work, he and my dad have a lot in common. I just don't think I would trust him as much with whiskey...

Day 19: Character you'd like to karaoke with
Me: I'll take Russia, he has a great range! He can sing just about anything! Really, he can go from singing joyfully to lamenting on how lonely he is to what he would do with a friend to singing heavy metal about how he mercilessly kills his enemies! It's fascinating, really.

Day 20: Character you wouldn't mind having as your butler/maid
Me: I'd take Lithuania. He's used to being bossed around and is a hard worker. Although I'd try to treat him better than some of his other bosses!

Day 21: Character you'd have in your party if you were in an RPG
Me: Russia, hands down. He would be the most OP guy you could get! Either that or America because super strength.
America: Really? Just for my strength?
Me: What, you want a gold medal for nothing?

Day 22: Another OTP of yours
Me: I already said, I have a liking for Prumano. I don't know why, I have no real reason to, I just do.

Day 23: Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1
Me: I like Belgium. She's caring and can make light of some miserable situations. I also like Hungary. She's just trying to get along in life and is doing a damn good job of it!

Day 24: Character with your favorite outfit
Me: That's hard. I guess for men, I really like Russia and Japan's outfits, although I could only really wear Japan's uniform; it's just too hot where I live to wear that big trench coat over an already long-sleeved uniform Russia wears! Female? I think that Seychelles's dressy is very pretty and looks comfortable as well, just what I need in the hot summer!

Day 25: Character you would have as a bandmate
Me: I'd have to go with Prussia. He's really knows what he's doing with his guitar, even if he just uses a broom in the Lite Music Club!
Prussia: Hey! Don't even joke, I'm awesome with a broom!
Me: Sure you are Gil, sure you are.

Day 26: Character you wouldn't mind having as your boss
Me: I think Canada would be a pretty fair boss who wouldn't kill me with deadlines! Although if Italy was my boss, I don't think I would have to do anything at all!

Day 27: Character you wouldn't want to run into in a dark ally
Me: This is a tie between Russia and England. Russia for obvious reasons, and England because he can be pretty darn creepy at times! Really, if he is in a dark ally, there is no good reason to stay with him.

Day 28: Character you want personified as a dog
Me: As in for me to own? Well, I wouldn't mind having Germany as a dog, so long as he doesn't mind if I pet him a lot!

Day 29: Character you'd want personified as a cat
Me: Russia cat. He is too fluffy and too cute and too everything to not want him. Enough said.

Day 30: Character you'd want to cosplay
Me: It would be easiest to cosplay Hungary, but I would love nothing more than to cosplay either Russia or Canada. Sadly, I don't have the material to make anything, and both have swelteringly hot clothing. Not happening any time soon!

Well, that seems to be the end. Hope you enjoyed, bye!

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