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"Just because I can't speak
Doesn't mean I can't hear!"

I sat in the uncomfortable wooden chair, trying to ignore the women with blue hair's gaze. I glanced at Luke and saw his eyes trained on her, a slight glow emitting from his golden orbs. I fiddled with my heart shaped bracelet trying to focus on the exquisite crown behind it. A sharp gasp cane from the other side of the table and an arm snaked out, latching onto my wrist. Panic flared in my mind and I struggled backwards, the cold wood of my chair pressing into my spine. In a flash, Luke was up and a hand was pressed against the women's throat. Her pleading gaze met mine and I sat up, entranced.

She looked so...familiar.

She opened her mouth to speak but shut it quickly, instead lifting her shaking hands.





I peered closer at her fingers, trying to focus on the letters she was slowly spelling out. My head started to ache and suddenly I was five again and giggling happily as my sister corrected me on my signing, helping me so I wouldn't get in trouble with Mother again.

My sister.

And then I was six and the imperfections outnumbered the perfections and there's no room for imperfection in the Evil Queen's family.

Tears welled in my eyes as all the memories that had been pushed into the back of my head; meant to be forgotten; rose to the occasion. A small sob escaped my lips and I sidestepped Luke, burying my face into Evie's shoulder.


That was her name. My sister's name.

I pulled away and asked dozens of questions, my hands flying. When I looked up, I saw the confused look on Luke and Evie's faces and I sighed. Slowly, I went through each question individually, a small grin appearing on my face as Evie quickly answered each one. Finally, one last question burned in my brain and I hesitated. Luke's hand collided with mine and I quickly signed my question.

"Why didn't you ever come back for me?"

Evie opened her mouth to respond but on cue, a tiny girl walked out with blue-grey eyes and bright blue hair. I looked from Evie's worried face to the mirrored expression on the child and I wrinkled my nose.

I hate children.

My hands absent mindly went to my arm and my fingers brushed each letter that was carved into my skin. The scabs had long flaked away but the scars were raised and I could feel them through the thin shirt.





Those four letters had been carved by children, around 10 or 11 years old.

Proof that even kids can be evil.

My hand dropped to my side as I struggled to hold tears back and I took a deep breath. I turned away from the prodding eyes, trying to regain my composure. I could hear Evie whispering to the little girl, telling her to come back later. Confusion flooded my memory and it turned back around to face Evie.

"You're married?" I signed quickly.

She hid her face before replying. "Yes."

"To a man?"

When she replied, I was utterly shocked. I only remember bits and pieces but I could remember the time Evie wouldn't touch a man besides the ones our mother sent her. I shuttered at the thought and instead changed the subject slightly. "What about Mal?" I questioned. Just the thought of Mal made my stomach soar. She was like my other big sister and sometimes I missed her even more than Evie.

Evie pointed toward the door and I heard a mug fall and smash onto the ground. I turned toward the sound to see Luke standing, wide-eyed as he stared at the figure in the doorway. His hands shook violently and I could feel the anger pouring out of him. I peered closer at the figure and sharply inhaled.


She was back.

I snapped out of my happy thoughts to see Luke attack.

In one stride he was at the door and had Mal by her throat against the wall. I watched in horror as his eyes began to glow an eerie green; so unlike his normal gold. 

"How could you give me away like that? How could you?! I suffered for 15 fucking years because of you!" He slammed her against the wall again and I glanced at Evie, panic starting to rise in my throat. She shook her head slightly and I groaned internally, sitting back and fiddling with my bracelet.

With a flick of her finger, Mal sent Luke flying across the room. He landed with a thud against the couch but quickly shook it off, flipping backwards and landing with his fists up, eyes blazing. Mal put her hands up in surrender.

"I just want to talk. Please." Her voice was a hoarse whisper and I finally started to notice the bruises that littered her face. Luke slowly put his hands down but stayed standing, refusing to let his guard down. A small smile spilt on my face.

I taught him that.

I glanced at Evie, who motioned to the door. Nodding slightly, I edged myself around the two silent opponents, wincing when the door creaked. The cool Isle air hit me in the face as I stepped out and I inhaled deeply.

This was my home.

I turned to Evie as she shut the door and guided us to sit on a rock over looking the ocean. We sat in silence for what seemed like ages before Evie spoke.

"My body was given away night after night to people who Mother wanted to fuck. The deal with her customers was that they would fuck her if they also got to have a go with me. I...I didn't want you to go through the same thing. Plus, Mother had already made a deal with Maleficent to... get rid of you if you didn't speak by ten. I couldn't let that happen. I figured you'd have a better life... a princess life in Auradon." She glanced toward my sleeve that was currently covering my scars. "Apparently not."

I held up my hands to speak but she shot me a glance, urging me to be quiet.

"You asked me why I married a man. And I'll tell you exactly why. Mal-" her voice cracked and I looked over to see her eyes filling with tears. She sat up straighter and looked off into the distance. "Mal broke my heart and I needed to break hers. She gave me fake promises of a life together and I know now it was because of her mother but at that moment in time, all I wanted to do was make her feel the pain she caused me. When her and Harry started dating, I figured out exactly how I was going to do it. The pieces fell into place but after it was all over, Harry was still there. He was sweet, charming and defended me against everyone." Her eyes misted over and I knew she was reveling in her past. Her voice turned cold as she continued.

"And then I found out I was pregnant with Cole. He was ecstatic but I was upset about it. I didn't want a life with him. I wanted a life with Mal. I went to get an abortion and Harry caught me. He..." Her breath caught in her throats as she tried to stop the tears from flowing. "He hit me that day and ever since then, I've been tied to him, forced to watch him drink the little money we have. Watch him abuse his children and the only way to stop him is if I put myself in the middle. But I can't." She exhaled and straightened herself out, smoothing her coat. "I can't leave him. Marriage is for life and this is the path I chose." At that sentence she turned to me.

"I see the way you look at Luke. Just remember he is Mal's son and capable of breaking your heart. Just don't make the same mistake I did in holding on."


Thank you for the 480 reads! Ily all! Expect an update by Monday for this book and Tuesday for the prequel!

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