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"Your mistakes don't define your character. It's what you do after you have made those mistakes that makes all the difference."-Dave Willis

I woke up, dripping in sweat as I glanced around wildly. My eyes flicked from the I.V. drip to the heart monitor that was at a steady beeping. I tried to sit up but a sharp pounding in my head forced me to stay immobile. A sharp intake of breath came from the left of me and I froze before slowly turning my head to peer at the being beside me. Blinking my eyes, I noticed Ivy's head on my arm, shaking slightly. I cleared my throat. "Ivy....Ivy.." I gently shook her, knowing she was frightened easily. As I predicted, her head shot up and her hand slipped to her leg, revealing the dagger she always carried with her. I put my hands up, chuckling softly. "Iv- Its ok.." Her eyes widened but her grip on the small metal sword loosened and I gently pried her hands from it, instead placing them in mine. As her eyes locked with mine, warmth filled my body and I sat up slowly, the headache fading. I leant forward, gently pressing my forehead against hers, our noses almost touching. I glanced down at her lips, full and looking softer than usual. My gaze traveled back into her eyes and I slowly pressed my lips against hers, the tension in the air suddenly breaking. She fought for dominance, her lips dancing against mine but she quickly loosened as I bit her bottom lip.

Her weakness.

I grinned against her lips and broke the kiss, slowly trailing kisses down her neck. Her eyes closed but quickly opened as she heard someone clear their throat.

My parents.

I scowled as Ivy quickly got off of me and apologized profusely before bowing and shuffling quickly out. I rolled my eyes as my mother shot a dirty look at Ivy's departing figure before sitting on the edge of my bed, a warm smile aimed in my direction.


I crossed my arms as my father told me how great Ben was doing and how much everyone loved their new king.

Stupid King.

Stupid Ben.

Stupid Family.

My eyes snapped to my mother as she looked at me with a worried look on her face. "What's wrong, Lukie?" She asked, her eyes glancing at King Beast every few seconds. I glared at both of them. "Nothing." I muttered, studying the overhead light. Belle looked at me. "You can tell your parents anything, you know. We won't judge." I snorted.

"You're not my parents." The room held an uneasy silence and I cursed myself.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Belle's mouth moved but no words came out and for the first time since I could remember, the Queen was speechless. A roar of anger came from the King and I glared at him, struggling to control the glow leeching from my eyes.

"What are you talking about?" My mother's voice quivered and tears were in the corner of her eyes. I glared at her. "You know!" I shifted my gaze to my father. "And so do you! And so does Ben and god knows who else! How could you keep that from me! Why did I have to find out by almost DYING?" My eyes were glowing now, my control lost. I ripped the I. V. out of my arm and swung my legs out of bed, a newfound strength coursing through my veins. Guards swarmed in as the King and Queen huddled together, obviously frightened. My arms dropped to my sides as I saw the fear illuminated in the one person I had called mother the past fifteen years.

I couldn't just forget that, no matter how much I was angry at them for lying to me, they had still taken care of me. As I relaxed, hands gripped my arms and I thrashed as Auradon guards took hold of me from all sides, dragging me out of the room. The last thing I saw was Belle's hand raised in protest before she turned, burying her head into the King's jacket.

I raised my head slowly, the iron chains burning my flesh deeply. The minute they had ripped the clasps over my wrist and neck, my flesh had been seared. The flesh was a poison green, obviously unhealthy, and I could feel it slowly spreading throughout my body. My breath came in ragged gasps and I winced in pain as every breath I took caused a pain in my chest; like someone was rattling my ribcage with a tourney stick. I heard a small cry and in a flash, Ivy was at the front of my cell, her face pressed into the bars. Tears streamed down her face as she reached her arms through the bars, a small sob escaping her lips. I lifted my head using the little energy I had left and gave her a weak smile.

"Hey Iv." I said weakly, trying to say it without a stutter escaping my lips. "Unusual circumstances, huh?" She laughed weakly, the tears slowing down as she saw that I wasn't dead, just....tired. I shifted, trying to hide the iron burns. No one deserves to see that. She calmed down a bit as I reached a hand out to her and she desperately tried to reach it. Our fingertips touched and a grin illuminated her face as I saw the key that she had somehow gotten and just slipped to me. I glanced at her and she shrugged. "Dad's old habits run deep, I guess." She signed to me, referring to Roger and Anita and their habits to leave stuff EVERYWHERE. The smile slipped off her face as footsteps echoed down the hallway and her eyebrows furrowed before turning to look at me once more. "I did some digging and found something about your past." My jaw dropped and I stared at the brunette in amazement, wondering how I had gotten so lucky to get such a smart girlfriend. She huffed, exasperated and my attention snapped to the small, torn piece of paper she clutched in her left hand.

"This is all I could find. If you want to know anything, this is the place to go." She explained to me, her hands shaking  as the I struggled to keep up with her rapidly changing words. I was never the best at sign language. She stretched her arm to me, slipping the paper to me. Her eyes widened as my sleeve slipped and the poisoned flesh flashed. I opened my mouth to explain but quickly shut it as the footsteps quickened their pace, getting louder and louder. Ivy's eyes widened and she stepped back, glancing at me as she slipped into the shadows, disappearing. Right as she was consumed by darkness, the head guard's shadow loomed over me and he let out a deep laugh before checking my lock and moving onto to the other cells. I rolled my eyes and put the key and the paper next to each other. My breath caught in my throat as the words jumoed off the page, begging for my attention. Fear gripped me and I forced myself to take a deep breath as I read and reread the words, hoping it was a mistake. A sick feeling built up in my stomach as I grabbed the key, my gaze hardening.

I was going to the Isle Of The Lost.


Thank you my beautiful readers! I love you all. I do need someone to critique my work lol!! Whos POV do you like better? I can write whichever but I want you guys to be comfortable in whos ever I write in. THANK YOU FOR 250 READS!!!!!!!!! ciao! And yes! Ivy is nonverbal. You'll find more out in a couple of chapters

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