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"Once you get a taste of sleeping next to someone you love, sleeping alone in your own bed really sucks."

Someone was watching me.

I could feel it.

Keeping my eyes close, I slowly reached my hand out to Harry, trying to wake him up. He groaned and rolled so he was facing me. He twirled my hair and smiled.

"Good morning beautiful."

I returned the gesture with a tight smile. "Harry someone's watching us."

Footsteps rounded the corner and got closer before they paused right outside my door.

"Harry, hide in the closet!" I whispered harshly, shoving him off the bed. He stumbled before opening my closet door slowly and slipping inside, giving me one last smile before disappearing completely.

As the closet door shut, my door opened and my mother's shadow loomed over my small figure. Gasping, I wrapped my half-naked body in a tattered blanket. I quickly stood, as not to be "rude". 

"Hello Mother." I said in a nonchalant tone, trying to hide the fear from my voice. She slowly entered my room, walking the perimeter, a claw dragging across the wall like nails on a chalkboard. As she was walking, I stole a glance at the closet and breathed a tiny sigh of relief. It was tightly shut.

Returning my gaze back to my mother, I saw her eyes intently watching me, like some sort of snack. My eyes flicked back to the closet for a fleeting second.

Wrong move.

Maleficent lifted her cloak, whisking to the opposite end of the room, near my bed, to come in front of my closet. "Now, what could be in here, that's so important that I don't have your full attention?" She grinned, an evil look in her eyes, her hand grazing the doorknob. My breath hitched in my throat.

"Please don't open that door. Please don't open that door." I silently pleaded, trying not to look my mother in the eyes.

"You know Mal, Lady Gothel said she saw two figures through your window last night.....Care to explain?"

"Lady Gothel should keep her nose out of my business." I fired back without thinking.

"Why Mal? You shouldn't have any business as long as it was only you in here last night?" She let out a laugh as she saw my face. She knew she had caught me?

Couldn't lie now, could I?

Before I could protest, her fingers closed around my neck and I was being lifted against the wall. I struggled to breathe, my fingers clawing desperately around her hold with no avail. My breaths came in short gasps as her eyes locked with mine, glowing a bright green. Mine matched hers, but her hold tightened and black spots buzzed around my vision. My clawing seized and my eyes flickered back to a light blue. I heard a door open and then the hold around  my neck loosened. I slid down the wall, before gently shaking my head, trying to clear my vision.

"Stop hurting her." His voice rang out and I almost cried out in surprise.

"Hook's son! How nice to see you!" Maleficent crowed, clearly happy with her discovery. "I knew there was a reason for you defending him!" She turned to face me. "But sadly, it was all in vain..." A wicked grin spread across her face.
Harry stood there, fists clenched, glancing at me behind my mother's cloak. The anger in his eyes disappeared as I caught his attention, willing him to calm down. His gaze soften and he visibly relaxed.
And then he crumpled to the ground. Behind him stood one of my mother's men with a frying pan.
"Throw him out and assure he can never set foot on my castle grounds ever again!" As she ordered them around, her gaze never wavered from mine. Finally, I broke it as they dragged Harry away. I threw myself at him, but Maleficent's hand coiled around my arm. I turned and gave her a malicious glare.
"Oh honey just be glad I'm not throwing you out this time." A finger traced my jawline and I flinched away, afraid of the torture that was to follow.  Her hand followed a path up to my hair, that had grown long and sleek in the past couple months. She slowly twirled a strand before harshly yanking it toward her. I lurched forward and she knotted her claws into my mane and pulled, my chin being ripped upwards so my eyes met with hers.

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