"What is your brothers name Faith??" He asked but his voice is high and deep. It almost seems like he has hope about something.

"Michael Cruse why?" I asked as something flickered in his eyes.

"Oh my God" is al that he said as he just stood up and stand right infront of me. He is making me more scared. Did he kill my brother or was he killed aswell?.

"Faith. Less then 3 years ago there was a boy that came to our pack. He was almost as good as dead. His name is Michael Cruse and he has the same story as you that his parents were killed and he was dragged away. His young sister was left behind. Faith he trained and trained everyday and i chose him to be my beta he is at his last training now! He would be here in a week" i swear if i wasn't sitting i would pass out of the relieve and warm feeling that i have my brother is ok. He's ok.. We gonna be a family again.

Before i could count my actions i was on Alpha Iohn hugging him as to say thanks but as soon as i saw my mistake i retreated. "I am soo so soo sorry Alpha i didn't me-" but he cutted me of before i could finish.

"Don't be sorry. I am happy that his sister is save. Just don't make me regret making you apart of my pack." Is all he said as he walks out the door.

I am so happy my brother is fine. I wondet what does he looks like now- wait a minute did he just say apart of the pack?!

"Holy shit!" I whispered scream as i falled back into the pack  i connot help the smile creeping up to my lips. I finally found a place to call home. With my brother.


Morning came soon enough as doctor Matthew's walks in with a bag. He greeted me with a warm smile and i cant help to return it.

"Goodmorning Faith you look very well today." He mocked in a nice way as he lay the bag on the night stand.

"Yes i am feeling much better thank you" i said as he took my arm to take the IV out. Ot stung pretty badly but atleast i know i am better.

"Alpha instructed me to bring you some cloths. I just hope they fit you though. Ok now Faith the poison isn't out of your system yet BUT i want to give you some medicine that you have to drink every morning. And i want to see you each week to look at your progress. Ok?" He asured me as he handed me the bag. My old cloths was torn and vol of blood stains so i understand that the Alpha doesn't want me to walk around in those cloths..

I got up to get to the bathroom my legs stil like yelly but i managed to make it.

The cloths fit me perfectly. A skinny jean and a kinda looks like a gym shirt. My shoulders are open and my belly only showing slightly. My breasts are a bit to big but its not that bad..

I walk out of the bathroom with the sandles making a click noise every time i step.

The door went open to reveal Zack entering. He stoped right in his tracks when he saw me. Mouth partly opened. I want to laugh at the sight. Then she just smiled at me.

I walked toward him and embraced him in a hug and he happily returned the hug. "Thank you for everything Zack it means alot to me" i whispered in his ear as his grib only tightened on me and then he released me.

"So i heard the BETA is your brother?" He mocks with a smirk playing on his face.

"Yes! ALPHA told me last night that he had the same story that happened to him. " i said as he only nodded.

"I am happy for you Faith. Atleast there is something coming from this nightmare" he teased as he led me out of the doors into the street where we walked in a silent pace. The wind is so fresh and chilly it actually makes me feel even more happy. It's going to rain soon i can smell it in the air.

"Hey. I was meaning to ask you. Why are you so nice to me? I mean you don't even know me and you helped me. You even hugged me back?" I asked as we stil walked. I saw a few glances people give me but i just bruss it of.

"Wellllll to be honest. From the first time i saw you. You stood out. There is something about you that i just cannot hate. Your so beautiful and yeah i know you aren't my mate and i am sorry. By the way. How old are you now?" He asked but it made me blush that he thought i was beautiful. Truly i don't know what month it is even.

"What month is it?" I ask as he just looked at me as understanding.

"Its the 19th of September" he answered. Well i am 20 now my birthday was last month. I should have found my mate by now but i was in my insanity prison if you could say so.

"My birthday was in Aug so i am 20 now" i told him as hr just nodded.

"Well happy late birthday Faith. But this is the time you should find your mate. You should have found him already" he muttered. And i could swear the sound of disappointment is in his voice.

"Yeah all i can do now is wait till he shows up" i told him as he just smiled at me.

After awhile of walking i am finally at a house. Zack told me i am sharing a home with him 2 other wolfs and 2 she wolfs and i am happy about it.. It means i have more company. But i am sure Zack would be the most company though.

This is my new beginning.

Mmmm well guys how is this one for you??? Hope you enjoyed it...

Love you al very much

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