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1,328 likestotalfuckingkaos We got dragged back to Hogwarts @slytherin

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totalfuckingkaos We got dragged back to Hogwarts @slytherin.girl_twin @luna_luna_lovegood

luna_luna_lovegood At least we didn't get detention for leaving
totalfuckingkaos We leave all the time
slytherin.girl_twin That's not important. TELL US WHO DANTEL IS @totalfuckingkaos
totalfuckingkaos NO
slytherin.girl_twin Is he your Boooooyfriend? 😙
totalfuckingkaos JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP
slytherin.girl_twin Oh my god, he is, isn't he?
totalfuckingkaos NO!
slytherin.girl_twin Come ooooon, just admit it already
totalfuckingkaos YOU HAVE TO STOP
slytherin.girl_twin No, I want to know why you're being so secretive about this
totalfuckingkaos THIS DOESN'T CONCERN YOU, OKAY?!
slytherin.girl_twin Well you're obviously dating this guy, so yes, it is my concern
totalfuckingkaos UGH.
luna_luna_lovegood Um, so, lunch then?

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