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Private message between @slytherin.boy and @slytherin.girl_twin

847 likesslytherin

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slytherin.girl_twin I wonder why @slytherin.boy hasn't pranked us back yet

slytherin.boy Am I supposed to?
slytherin.girl_twin That's how it works idiot
slytherin.boy I don't really want to
slytherin.girl_twin And why not?
slytherin.boy I'm kind of in edge at the moment, since Hermione is due in a month from now
slytherin.girl_twin Woah, it's already May? Holy crap. It felt like it was just April
slytherin.boy Time flies when you don't do anything
slytherin.girl_twin 🖕
slytherin.boy By the way, why is this a private message?
slytherin.girl_twin I dunno, for fun?

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