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384 likestotalfuckingkaos So I just woke up in a jail cell

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totalfuckingkaos So I just woke up in a jail cell. Explain? @slytherin.girl_twin @slytherin.boy @luna_luna_lovegood @mionegranger

slytherin.girl_twin You had too much to drink and passed out after you got your hair dyed pink, also about the time when the cops came.
totalfuckingkaos So that's why my hair's pink. But why don't I remember any of that?
slytherin.girl_twin Wait, you don't remember anything?
totalfuckingkaos I remember posting here on Instagram about Draco and Hermione, but after that, nothing.
slytherin.girl_twin Wow. Was I really the only person at that fucking party who was sober?
totalfuckingkaos I guess so. You do know that we're screwed, right? I mean, I'm sure that we need a bail.
slytherin.girl_twin FUCK. Well, good luck 😥
totalfuckingkaos You too 😥😥😥

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