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739 likestotalfuckingkaos So I got this donut compulsively @mionegranger @slytherin

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totalfuckingkaos So I got this donut compulsively @mionegranger @slytherin.boy @luna_luna_lovegood

mionegranger Everyone! Guess what? Draco and I had that conversation with his parents and I think we've worked everything out! And I'm pretty sure that they're talking to my parents right about now, so after that I guess everything will be worked out 👍
slytherin.girl_twin That's great! I'm so happy for you!
luna_luna_lovegood I'm happy as well, and I'm glad everything is going to be okay now
totalfuckingkaos So everyone's just going to ignore my Simpson donut
mionegranger What are you even doing there? And how have none of us been caught yet?
slytherin.girl_twin Who knows, we could just be really good at sneaking around. I mean we did disappear from there for like a day
totalfuckingkaos Yeah, I remember.
slytherin.girl_twin Even though it was kinda pointless to do so
totalfuckingkaos I get it

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