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936 likestotalfuckingkaos Going back @mionegranger @slytherin

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totalfuckingkaos Going back @mionegranger @slytherin.girl_twin @luna_luna_lovegood @slytherin.boy

totalfuckingkaos Good luck to you all!
slytherin.boy Thanks, I guess?
totalfuckingkaos No problem, cousin
mionegranger Where are you guys? @luna_luna_lovegood @slytherin.boy @totalfuckingkaos @slytherin.girl_twin
slytherin.boy I'm with Gemini on the train
luna_luna_lovegood I'm making my way to the platform entrance
totalfuckingkaos I spent the night in a park, on a slide technically, so I'm also making my way to the platform
mionegranger What
totalfuckingkaos Don't ask

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