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43 likestotalfuckingkaos Ugh

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totalfuckingkaos Ugh. So bored, never anyone to hang out with at the mansion. @slytherin.boy @slytherin.girl_twin

slytherin.boy You do know we live together, right?
totalfuckingkaos That's besides the point. We need to do something fun before we go back to Hogwarts.
slytherin.boy What would we do?
totalfuckingkaos Go on an adventure, obviously. @slytherin.girl_twin, what do you think?
slytherin.girl_twin Sure, you're a fun person outside.
totalfuckingkaos Gee, I'm flattered.


@totalfuckingkaos ~ Halley LeStrange

@slytherin.boy ~ Draco Malfoy

@slytherin.girl_twin ~ Gemini Malfoy

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