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401 likestotalfuckingkaos Hanging out at Hogsmeade with @slytherin

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totalfuckingkaos Hanging out at Hogsmeade with @slytherin.girl_twin and @luna_luna_lovegood

slytherin.girl_twin Since it's been a month since everything, will @slytherin.boy and @mionegranger please forgive me?
slytherin.boy We forgive you, but we're still not talking to you.
slytherin.girl_twin That's all I needed to hear 😄 I could have asked Hermione IF SHE CAME WITH US.
mionegranger I already told you guys, I don't feel good, I've been throwing up all morning 🤢
totalfuckingkaos Well get better so we can go out in the mornings, then.
mionegranger I'll try.

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