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totalfuckingkaos Found you. @mionegranger @luna_luna_lovegood Y'all ready for some fun?

mionegranger Halley, what are you planning? Whatever it is, it better not get us into trouble, I have a curfew you know.
totalfuckingkaos There's a reason my @ name is totalfuckingkaos, you know.
luna_luna_lovegood It's supposed to be a lovely night tonight, will we be outside?
totalfuckingkaos Probably.
luna_luna_lovegood Wonderful! We best keep away from the nargles, though.
mionegranger Of course.
slytherin.girl_twin I'm sorry, am I the only one who's noticed that Hermione's hair is STRAIGHT?!
totalfuckingkaos You know we had a whole conversation about that in reason life, right?
slytherin.girl_twin I wasn't paying attention.
slytherin.boy Figures.


@luna_luna_lovegood ~ Luna Lovegood

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