Chapter 7

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I wave at the doorman 'Sander' who opens and asks me how I was. "I'm perfectly good. How are you? Isn't it a bright and beautiful morning?" 

Before he responds, we both turn our heads to the multiple cars entering and my mouth hangs open,

because Oh My Allah!

Those were some expensive-looking cars. Sanders quickly walk to the first car and open the door to the back seat. His expensive black shoes I see first and then his black tux. My breath hitches seeing him come out in all his glory but that is not what catches my attention, it's the pistol that is tucked flat against the back of him. He fixes his tux hiding it.

Why...Why does he have a weapon on him?

The other car door also opens, and Rashid comes out but not alone, on his side is a lady. A pretty lady with a purple dress that has a slit open, revealing her long legs. She wraps her hand around his arm and he smiles at her.


But the way he stared at my sister?

May God forgive him.

I look away only to catch eyes with Edward to which he sees what I was staring at and for an unknown reason, his eyes darken. I move to a side to let him, Rashid, the pretty lady, and some other men go inside.

They do not even say thanks to Sanders but I do, loud enough for them to hear. "Thank you for holding the door open."

They stop a little to chit-chat at the front desk while I make it to the elevator and my dismay, they follow up to me to the same elevator.

The elevator opens and I enter inside, as again they follow inside too making the elevator crowded. I stand close to the buttons not expecting Edward to stand behind me, making me more aware of him.

As the door closed, in the small, tight space I could feel his heat and my breath increase. My whole body shivers as I hear his voice near my ear. "Are you not going to ask what floor, sweetheart?"

Husky and Warm.

I lick my lips. "What-What floor?"

Rashid thankfully answers and not the man behind me. "The same floor you are going to." I grit my teeth and had the urge to turn toward Edward. I know he knows that we were going to the same floor yet he did that.

The door opens to let more people come inside, I move a bit back and I know for a fact that my silk hijab is touching him. I fist my hand to control whatever was happening to me. He was too close, I was aware of him way too much. His breathing, his feet taping as if he was annoyed by waiting or how he was responding to other men with one word.

I try to focus on something else, my eyes going over to Rashid and that girl to distract myself. Rashid leans forward and kisses her, only for me to cringe and look away muttering 'astaghfirullah'.

What is wrong with him?

I look at my watch and finally, the door opens, I am the first one that gets out and I quickly make my way to my cubicle.

I could not stand in that little space any longer, Edward was overwhelming me and Rashid was doing haram. I don't know what this company is going to turn out to be if we have rich snobby people ruling it.

I shake my head and start my daily tasks for the day, hoping to God that I don't get called into the office.

As the day went on, I did my work and at break time, I make my way to the cafeteria only to end up bumping into someone and I shriek because a cold drink fell on my dress. I look up to see the lady that was with Rashid. Next to her was our HR manager, Cynthia.

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