"Thank you so much." Maya smiled as she handed granny the container.

"No problem. Good luck with the rest." She smiled and went to the back.

"Why does it take so long for a drink?" Ursula sighed.

Maya looked to them and sighed lightly. She knew they were bad people but she had hope that they could be better. "Would you both like ice cream?" She asked.

"Who are you darling?" Cruella asked.

"Maya Charming." She said with a smile. "I helped you guys get past the town line the other day."

"Is their anything good?" Cruella asked looking to her.

"I mean if you like ice cream then I guess." Maya shrugged lightly.

"There's no poison in it is there?" Ursula asked.

"I'm the good guy. I wouldn't hurt you. I just am offering ice cream." Maya answered truthfully.

"What's in the berry one?" Ursula asked.

"Vanilla ice cream with strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries." She answered.

"Is it free?" Ursula asked.

"This batch is yes." She smiled.

"I'll take it then." She said as Maya handed her the ice cream.

"I'll take the chocolate swirl darling." Cruella said looking to her. Maya noticed she was very dramatic. She has two toned hair and a huge fur coat. She was surprised she didn't get one of the more dramatic flavors.

"Here you go." Maya smiled handing her the container.

"Thanks." She smiled before walking away she saw Regina and Henry.

"Hey." Maya smiled to Henry.

"How much do you have left?" He asked.

"As of now three." Maya nodded.

"Regina. We need a little heart rip over here. Granny could take some convincing into giving us our order." Ursula said looking to Regina. Regina stood in front of Henry protectively.

"Yes a very effective tactic. Didn't you once rip out the heart of every villager in the north woods?" Cruella asked.

"Or was it the south?" Ursula added. Maya knew she was evil before but what they were implying was worse then she really thought.

"Uh why don't you go to my office and get started on the book?" Regina asked.

"Alright and remember chocolate frosted donuts it just chocolate." Henry said as Regina nodded. "Mys do you want to come?" Henry asked.

"I'll meet you after I finish handing these out." Maya smiled.

"Okay I'll see you then." Henry nodded as he left.

"Maya come here." David said as Maya walked over with the cooler. "I know you were being nice but you shouldn't talk to them."

"I mean if they are trying to do better I should at least help them." Maya said looking at them and to her mom. "Right?" She asked looking to her. Maya got that trait from her mother.

"Normally yes but not them." Mary Margaret answered.

"Did they do something to you?" Maya asked confused.

"We don't need to know them to know that they are bad." David answered.

Why won't they answer the question?, Maya thought. "Okay well I'll stay away if you want." She nodded lightly. She didn't want to fight with them. Something seemed... off with them.

CURIOUS: Sensational ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 4]Where stories live. Discover now