𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐢. 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭

Start from the beginning

For some reason, she found herself wanting to prove that she had improved too. They wouldn't really have to do much fighting after this... so it would be alright to fight him even with a spell that consumed a lot of energy.

Rose froze when she heard a sharp whistle cut through the air. She managed to turn her head just in time to avoid a throwing knife.

Adell knew how to use throwing knives? Didn't he specialise in close range combat?

"When did you... what?" Rose seemed flustered by the suddenness of it all.

Adell grinned at her cheerily, flipping another blade into the air and catching it. "I'm not as good at using them as you, but I tried learning how to use these! Are you impressed?"

Rose did not know how to react.

"Uh... I guess so?"

"Great!" Adell flipped the knife once more, before flicking it at her with a lightning-fast movement. It embedded itself in the tree behind her, blade only a hairs-breadth away from her face. "Sorry, I still tend to miss."

"Eh?" Rose spluttered. Was he actually trying to hit her?

"I'm kidding."

"You're a jerk."




"I'll cut you."

"Only if you can get me!" Adell poked his tongue out at Rose.

The phoenix slayer rolled her eyes. She hadn't really perfected it, but now was as good a time as any to be using one of her newer spells. Adell would make a great practice dummy.

"Flame Phoenix's Hellfire."

Rose disappeared into a column of flames.

"Wait, what?" Adell stared at the pillar of flames as if expecting her to reappear. She didn't. "What was that?"

"I'm still here, idiot."

Adell practically had visible question marks above his head. He poked the moving mass of flames with his sword hesitantly. "Don't tell me you are the flames."

"Maybe, maybe not."

"That is so not fair! I can't even – how do I even use my sword on a living blob of fire?!"

"Did you just call me a blob of fire?"

"Hate to break it to you, but that is exactly what you look like."

"I'm gonna freaking roast you."

Adell just barely managed to scramble away as the flames began to chase him around. They didn't really seem to have a core or anything they were being emanated from.

"How are you holding those flames together?" Adell threw a question over his shoulder, quite literally running circles around the clearing.

"If you really wanted to know, it relies on my willpower."

"That... that's so edgy."

"Why thank you."

Adell leapt onto a tree branch, breathing heavily. Rose, or rather, the blob of fire, simply lay in waiting at the base.

"You can't stay up there forever!"

"Watch me!"

"Seriously?" The flames distorted all of a sudden. "Damn."

The fire flickered again. This time, it reverted to Rose temporarily. Adell put the pieces together easily, his lips curling into a grin.

"Don't tell me... that spell has a time limit?"

Rose didn't reply. Adell reequipped, grasping the handle of his sword. He'd picked one with a special ability. If time was her limit he'd just have to wait.

The next time the flames flickered, he was quick to pounce.

Ice formed on the ground when he landed, freezing Rose to the floor while she was still in her physical form. Adell was quick to press his weapon against her throat.

"I really need to think of a better way to use that spell..." Rose groaned and let her head fall back. "Now that is a migraine."

Adell grinned at her triumphantly, his sword resting casually over her throat.

"So..." he trailed off, a smirk evident on his lips. "Do you give up?"

As much as she wanted to deny it, Rose knew that the fight was clearly his win.

"Fine. I lost." Rose glanced at him ruefully. "Are you happy now?"

"Nope. You have to say, 'Adell is the strongest mage in the world!', first."

Rose deadpanned. "I'd rather die."

"Aw, c'mon," Adell pouted. Knowing she was too stubborn to say it to him, he allowed the sword he was wielding to dissipate.

"I suppose I still need to improve my combat abilities..." Rose noticed how dark it had gotten. "We should get going."

"Yeah." Adell held a gloved hand out to her, smiling kindly. "Let's go, Firefly."

Ignoring his use of the detestable nickname, she seized his warm hand and pulled herself up. Kou had managed to fall asleep against a tree during their mock battle. Rose moved to grab him, before realising her hand was still in Adell's.


Adell released her hand, stepping away as he looked in the opposite direction. The tips of his ears turned red. "Sorry."

Shaking her head in confusion, Rose turned to lift Kou from where he had curled up on a tree root. His head lolled forward onto his chest. Rose glanced back to Adell, who was looking up towards the night sky.

"Come on. Your stew should be done by now," She stated, before beginning to walk slowly down the dark trail which led to their camp.

Adell perked up with wide eyes.

"C**p! My stew! I'll go on ahead!"

He sprinted ahead of the girl and disappeared around a bend in the trail, leaving her to continue the trek on her own.

Published: 13/01/2018

Edited: 26/06/2018

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