The Gender Reveal Party (2/2)

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Jesse's POV (Petra is now almost 7 months pregnant)

I stand next to my beautiful pregnant girlfriend Petra and the rest of the gang as we admire our hard work on preparing for the gender reveal party. We made a system for when you enter the party room there are two chalkboards, one says in blue chalk "It's a boy!" the other one says in pink "It's a girl!" and so as you walk in you add a tally to the board that says the gender you think it will be. The guests will begin to arrive in 10 minutes and I'm so excited to see our old friends! The gang doesn't know our child's gender so it will be a surprise to everyone but Petra and I.

I pull Petra close to me and kiss her forehead with my free hand on top of her tummy. "We worked hard for this babe."

"No,you did. All I could do was set up the chalkboards,snacks,and balloons!" Petra laughs.

"Geez,get a room you two!" Axel gags at our flirting.

9 minutes later

Dan,Stacy,and Stampy arrive to the party and we give them a warm welcome right after they add a tally to one of the chalkboards.

"Hey guys! We're so glad you all made it!" We warmly greet them.

When they all catch sight of Petra they immediately come unglued. "Oh my Notch Petra look at you! How are you?" Stacy hugs Petra while trying to contain her excitement.

"Oh my gosh Petra I still can't believe life is forming inside of you! I'm sure you're going to be a FANTASTIC mommy! I'm so happy for the both of you!" Stampy bear hugs the both of us, nearly squeezing us to death.
"Words can't explain how happy I am for the both of you! I know Sparklez and Lizzie (A.K.A LDShadowLady) are too." Dan hugs us and gives a warm smile.

After that more people arrive such as Ivor and Harper. It turns out they're dating now!

Petra and I were catching up with the Old Order when Lukas and Jessica come up to us.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but it's time for the big reveal!" Lukas reminds us.

"Go break a leg you two!" Jessica cheers us on as we pass by her and Lukas.

Petra and I walk onto the stage holding the two chalkboards.

"The time has come to reveal the gender of our baby!" Petra shouts to grab everyone's attention.

"According to this chalkboard." I pause to let everyone examine the board. "13 people think it's a girl!" Ivor,Olivia,Stampy, Ellegaard,and a few others cheer.

"And according to this chalkboard." Petra also pauses to let people examine the board. "15 people think it's a boy!" Soren,Axel,Dan,Harper,and the rest of the crowd cheer.

Then we bring a big cardboard box forward as I explain. "If we open this box and blue balloons come out,it's a boy.If pink balloons come out,it's a girl.But you all probably knew that!" The crowd laughs at my joke.

The crowd counts down from 5 until the moment comes where Petra and I open the box."5! 4! 3! 2! 1! GO!!!"

we open the box and.......


I'll give you a minute to guess what you think it will be 😉


"WE'RE HAVING TWINS!!!!!!" Petra and I yelled in sync as pink AND blue balloons rise out of the box.

Everyone was so shocked I died laughing. Then they went wild! Bear hugging, fangirling, fanboying, and just going all out crazy!

Jessica followed by Lukas, Olivia, and Axel come charging up the stage to group hug Petra and I.

"OH MY NOTCH YOU'RE GIVING ME A NIECE AND A NEPHEW?!??! BEST BROTHER EVERRRRR!!!!!" Jessica squeals in pure happiness.

After they all let go Axel shouts to the crowd "Hey guys! Look!" He points to Petra and I as I bend on one knee.

Petras POV

All of the sudden the crowd starts yelling for me to look at Jesse so I did.

Oh. MY. NOTCH!!!! JESSE JUST PULLED OUT A RING!!!! "Petra, ever since the day we met when we were 5 I knew we had something special. During the Witherstorm when you had the withersickness, my feelings for you got so strong I couldn't STAND watching another day pass with you not knowing how I felt. I want to spend the rest of my life with you! And if a bullet was flying straight for you... I'd take the bullet without a second thought! Petra Amanda Jackson, will you make me the happiest man in the world and.... Marry me?" Jesse proposes to me.

By now I'm crying tears of pure happiness and bliss. I dreamed of this day for SO LONG and here I am today, Jesse is on one knee and proposing to me! I can't believe it!

"Of course I'll marry you!" Jesse slips the ring onto my finger as I continue crying. Then Jesse pulls me close and wipes the tears of my face, then he wraps his arms around my waist as I do the same for his neck as we kiss for almost 2 minutes straight.

Everyone is fangirling and fanboying so hard right now. Ivor is holding a big sign that says I SHIP IT! in big, bold letters while almost giving himself a heart attack from fanboying so much.

Did I surprise you guys when they said they're having twins AND got engaged? XD I'm not sure if I over did it or not but I like the way it turned out.

See you later!~😘

KawaiiChibiLove ♥

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