Love Triangle

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Jesse's POV (Thank you for requesting Hey_Its_Katya236! Very appreciated!)

It's a regular old Tuesday afternoon. We're all sitting on in the living room, arguing about what we will watch on Netflix. We've settled it between Stranger Things and Maximum Ride. So far, we'll most likely watch Stranger Things. YES! I've been wanting to show it to Petra for quite a while but I couldn't find a good opportunity to.

I hear the doorbell ring. "I got it!" Axel says while sprinting up to the door. He opens the door and talks to the person on the other side.

"Petra, it's for you!" Axel shouts over the sound of the opening of Stranger Things.

"Coming!" She says as she makes her way to the door. I've had a major crush on Petra ever since we were little. I'm planning on telling her tonight after we finish binge watching.

She arrives at the door and stands in front of it. "H-how?" She studders with her hands over her mouth, her gorgeous chocolate eyes threatening to turn into a waterfall of tears. Lukas, Axel, Jess, and Olivia turn around in their seats and I get up to see what's going on. I stand behind Petra to see a tall man, taller than both of us. He looks around the same age though, maybe slightly older. She leaps into his muscular arms and squeezes her tight, lifting her off the ground with Petra's legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

Who the heck is this guy?! How does he know Petra? They finally let go and wipe their tears, they then kiss eachother for a good 30 seconds. Oh, MY, NOTCH! WHAT?! "I missed you so much. I can't believe I finally found you!" He smiles.

"How are you even alive?! The rescue team found you dead! I went to your funeral and came to your grave everyday!" Petra responds, shocked.

"That's a whole other story. All that matters is that Petra and Max are back in business!" He cheers. Oh, the cringe.

Max, huh? He doesn't look like a Max, he looks like his real name should be Trash. I don't like it but, he's handsome. He has neat and shiny light brown hair and bright blue eyes. He's muscular, not extremely muscular but good enough to the point where it makes him attractive. He looks so much cooler than me! And that's a big reason on why I hate him.

Petra suddenly realized that we are all staring at her, gawking. "Oh! Sorry! Guys, this is Max, my boyfriend." She smiles as he links her arm into his.

"You never told us you had a boyfriend! How come we've never seen him?" Jess asks.

"Well, before We all became famous, we were dating and Max took a plane to the plains to visit his parents. A few days later, I was told that the plane crashed with no survivors." She explains.

"And I wasn't actually dead, I was in a coma for about 6 months. When I woke up I was so confused! All I could remember was my name, my parents, and you, Petra. All I could think about was finding you." He smiles at her and plants a small kiss on her forehead

"You were looking for me for two years? No one else? You're too sweet!" She blushes.

Hey! That's my job! I'm the one who's supposed to make Petra blush! My face starts to turn red with anger. I dismiss myself from the conversation group and go to the bathroom to splash my face with water. I can't let Max get inside my head. I have to find a way to win Petra's heart. It'll be hard, but at least not impossible.

I calmly go back to the group. "Oh, and I forgot to show you something." He says. He lifts up his sleeve to reveal a tattoo on his wrist. It's a small map with a sentence above it that says "Following the map that leads to you" on it. (I love you if you understood this.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2018 ⏰

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