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Requested by constantwarrior (Thank you dear!)

Jesse's POV

I walk to the door of my house and feel around my suspenders for my keys.

"Wha-? WHERE ARE MY KEYS?!?!" I scream at myself. Angry at the loss of my precious keys.

I sit down on a nearby bench and sigh. How the heck did I lock myself out WITHOUT even thinking about my keys when they're RIGHT FREAKING THERE BY THE DOOR INSIDE MY HOUSE!! What am I going to do know? Call Petra over to knock my door down??? I wonder.

"Well, off to find Petra." I sigh. And of course, right after I say that I see her come up to me.

"Hey, Jesse." She greets.

"Hey, Petra." I say in return.

"Um, can I ask you something?" She asks.

"Go for it." I respond.

"Can I.... Spend the night? With you?"

"Wait, really? Why?"

"This is embarrassing to admit but.... I accidentally locked myself out."

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about."


"Because so did I."


"Yeah, I was just about to ask you if I could spend the night with you."

We laugh. "Well," I say.


I'm so sorry it's short! I've been assigned a project for one of my classes and I've been working on it constantly. The project is due February 2nd and hopefully the flow of my chapters will go back to normal around then. But I hope you enjoyed it!

Thanks so much guys!~😘

KawaiiChibiLove ♥

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