New Year's Kiss

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Jesse's POV

Tommorrow's New Year's Eve. So to celebrate, my friends and I are going to a New Year's Eve party hosted by my friend Nell. She's always been a party animal so I'm not surprised. The funny thing is that I've never been more nervous in my life.

Why am I so nervous you ask? Well, because normally during the New Year's kiss I just stand awkwardly because I'm single. But now, I'm single but in love. I'm in love with Petra Elizabeth Jackson.

I've known her since the first day in my sophomore year in high school. Aiden and his minions were bullying me and Petra showed up at the right moment and got him to leave me alone. Ever since that moment I knew I loved her.

But I'm not sure if I'll ever get a chance to date her considering that Petra can't go anywhere in public without someone asking to marry her. Seriously, there are people that actually proposed to her using a real engagement ring!

I better get some fresh air before this gets to my head.

Petra's POV

I sit down on a bench and feel the bitter cold December wind hit my face. Ugh, this is the main reason why I don't like Winter, it's cold no matter what I do and wear. My thoughts are interrupted when I here feet crunching through the snow coming towards me. I look to the side to see a very tall man that looks around the same age as me.

"Um... Can I help you sir?"I ask.

"Hi, uh, my name is Ben. I'm a huge fan of you, Petra! Can I... Ask you something?" He studders.

"Go ahead." I respond.

He bends down on one knee and pulls out a engagement ring. Oh not this again! "Petra, I've been a fan of you ever since the very beginning of the Order of the Stone. I think you're very beautiful and talented. Will you make me the happiest man alive and... Marry me?"

"Ben, I'm flattered, I truly am but... I like someone else. I'm sorry." I try to let him down gently.

He gets back up and puts the ring away. "It's okay. So... Who's the guy that you like?" His face turns red.

"Jesse, as in the leader of the Order of the Stone. I want to ask him to the party tomorrow but he most likely doesn't like me back."

"Are you kidding me Petra?! OF COURSE he likes you! Haven't you noticed the way he acts and looks at you? Trust me, he would love nothing more than to date you."

"You sure?"



"100% positive."

"Okay, I trust you."

"Bye Ben, see you around."

"Bye Petra, see you?"

As you could tell, it was the most awkward conversation in my life. But thanks to Ben, I now know that Jesse might like me back.


Jesse's POV

So here's the plan. I'm on my way to the fields to pick a few flowers for Petra. After that I'll go back home to freshen up a bit, THEN I will go find her and hope that luck is on my side today.

Time skip brought to you by a potato, not your average potato, but #potato451.

Well, here I am. Walking through Beacontown, flowers in hand, dressed nicer than I normally am, and I feel ready.

I'm checking every corner, alley, stand, and even asking people if they've seen her.

But no luck. I've been searching for 30 minutes and Petra's nowhere to be found. I decide to take a break and sit down on a bench.

What if Petra left Beacontown without telling me? I think to myself. No, she always tells me she's leaving for a bit before she goes.

"Hey Jesse." Petra's voice snaps me out of my deep thinking. OH MY NOTCH SENPAI NOTICED ME!!!!

"Oh, hey Petra. What's up?" I try my best to sound as casual and cool as possible. WHY DID I THINK THAT I WAS READY FOR THIS OF COURSE I'M NOT WHAT IF I MESS UP AAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!

"Uh, you're dressed fancy today. What's the occasion?" Petra asks. FUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!!!!!

"Never mind that. Can I ask you something?" WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF?!?!?!

"Ask away." Here goes nothing!

"Will you..... Be my date to the New Year's Eve party?" Fudge my life.

"Sure! I don't see why not. Are we going as friends or...." She trails off.

"Lovers?" I finish her sentence.

"Yeah. Exactly." She trails off again. Did I catch her on a bad day?

"Well, I was really hoping that we could go as...... Lovers. Is that okay?" I ask.

"To be honest, I was actually hoping you'd say that." She chuckles.

"Alright! I'll stop by your room at 8 on the dot. See you later Petra!" I happily and childishly skip back to the Temple.

The Next Day

I knock on her door. "Hey Petra. Ready to go?"

"I'll be out in a second!" She responds from behind the door.

Well, I might as well text Nell while I wait.

(In the text session left = Jesse and right = Nell)

Hey Nell, the gang and I are on our way. See you soon! 😃

Can't wait to see you guys! I bet that you and Petra will kiss at midnight! 😚

Shut it Nell! 😣

I know you love her. 😈

You have got to be kidding me. 😑

Another time skip to the party brought to you by a lazy author. XD (play music now)

"Wow, Nell really knows how to throw a party!" Axel cheers as he drags Olivia to the dance floor.

"Oh, you're not getting away that easy Lukas!" Jess also drags poor Lukas to the dance floor when all he wants right now is a glass of water.

"C'mon Jesse! Don't leave me hanging. Dance with me!" Petra laughs as she takes my hand and takes me to the dance floor and she begins to. dance. Wow. I've never seen Petra dance before, she's amazing at it! The way her hips swing and the placement of her arms and legs are crazy good.

A Few Hours Later

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" Everybody cheers.

I look over at Petra and she's smirking at me. "Well. Are you gonna kiss me or not?"

"Wait. Wha-?" I'm interrupted by Petra when she grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me into a kiss.

I'll always remember today.

Hey guys! I hope you all had a amazing New Year's! Dang, I didn't expect this chapter to be this long! This was supposed to be released on New Year's Day but things got in the way. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed it!

Let's make 2018 the best year ever!~😘

KawaiiChibiLove ♥

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