I Miss You

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Jesses POV

I sit in the cafe replaying the memory in my head over and over again.The day Petra and I broke up.

Flashback to a week ago

Petra and I sit in a booth at our favorite cafe.I try to avoid looking directly at Petra.There is a awkward silence between us for a few more minutes.

"So why did you want me to meet you here?"Petra broke the loud silence.

"I-I have something that I need to tell you."I reply looking down at the table.

"Yeah?What is it?"She sips her coffee.

"I think we should.....brake up."I finally look into her eyes.She opens her mouth,but nothing comes out.She tries again.

"Wh-what?"Petra quietly questions me.

"You have been disappearing for days at at a time!You haven't spent much time with me!"I quickly spit out.

"You have NO idea what it's like not knowing what makes me happy!I'm trying to find who I am don't you understand!"She yells at me.Boy,I thought this would've been easier then this.

"Petra,boyfriend's and girlfriends are supposed to spend time with eachother!They are always there for one another when things go south!"I try to not sound hurt.

"Jesse you are so SELFISH!You only care about yourself!You don't care about how I feel!You never did!WE ARE SO OVER!!!!"Petra screams at me putting a hand over her mouth and runs out the door.I could tell that I hurt her so much.

Flashback ends

I finish my coffee and walk through the door,I start my daily walk to Petras house.Petra moved out of the Temple because she 'needed some space' from everything.everything in her room inside the Temple is gone and in her new home.She still visits us every few days but leaves the room when she sees me.I finally make it to her house.I can hear Petra in her house,good.I sneak through her kitchen window and sneak through the hallway to get to her bedroom.I notice the door is open.I hear the sound of a piano and....PETRAS SINGING?!?! I'VE NEVER HEARD HER SING BEFORE!!!Her voice is so beautiful!I peek through the door and watch her sing and play the piano.

Na na,

Na na na

Na na

I miss you

Miss you so bad

I don't forget you

Oh it's so sad

I hope you can here me,I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away was the day I found it won't be the same


Na na,

Na na na

Na na

I didn't get around to kiss you goodbye on the hand

I wish that I could see you again,I know that I can't

Oh,I hope you can hear me,'cause I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away was the day I found it won't be the same


I had my wake up won't you wake up I keep asking why

And I can't take it,it wasn't fake it happened,you passed by

Now you're gone,now you're gone

There you go,there you go

Somewhere I can't bring you back

Now you're gone,now your gone

There you go,there you go

Somewhere you're not coming back

The day you slipped away was the day I found it won't be the same,no

The day you slipped away was the day I found it won't be the same,no

Na na,

Na na na

Na na

I miss you

By the end of the song I was trying to hold back a waterfall of salty tears.Petra gets up from the piano and starts walking to the door.I quickly run back towards the window and jumped out.I run to the florist shop down the block and get her roses.I run back to her house and ring the doorbell.She opens the door.

"What the heck do you want?"She growls at me.

"I came to say...I miss you so much and that I think braking up with you was the WORST thing I've ever done!Can we get back together?I promise on my life that I will always be patient for you.I heard you singing and playing the piano.You have the voice of an angel!oh,and I got you these roses."I give her the roses.

"Yeah,it turns out I have a talent for singing and playing instruments.Its not what I originally had in mind but it works just fine.I wrote that song about you and how I feel about this.And thanks for the roses."Petra rubs the back of her neck.

"So...is that a yes?"I slowly ask.

Her response was a kiss.It was short but satisfying."Of course I forgive you." Petra wraps her arms around my neck while I do the same to her waist.We hug for a while until she lets go.

"How would you like my moving back in?"She smiles and heads back inside and I follow her to help her pack.

Hey guys I know this was kind of slow and dramatic but I hope you enjoyed it! Stay tuned for more of my cringy stories and chapters! ^_^ Byeee!

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