Who Becomes A Serial Killer and How

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i was supposed to write this yesterday oops.

alrighty i found this article through insta so creds to that insta acc :))

okay so knowing who'll become or is a serial killer is literally almost impossible. like your neighbor, or that kid that sits behind you in physics could be a whole different person when the sun goes down or when they get home.

but one thing they have in common is that they all have some sort of problem or disorder.

many who show a violent behavior are diagnosed with schizophrenia and/or addiction. every serial killer has some sort of pathological disorder. this, however, doesn't mean everyone with a personality disorder is a criminal or serial killer.

peeps with an anti social social disorder tend to not care about morals, social norms, and the rights/feelings of others. they're also impulsive and reckless, not caring about any consequences.

in the university of chicago, a team of researchers made a study comparing the minds of a psychopath and a non-psychopath when shown violent stimuli (people being harmed/experiencing pain).

as expected, the differences were evident. when viewing the content, participants diagnosed with psychopathy exhibited less activations in several brain locations, including the part of the brain that weighs decisions and consequences.

so when shown gory things, they don't really care or weren't phased by it.

however, they did show activations in the insula, which plays a role in emotional awareness.

meaning they are aware of other's pain, but the signals don't travel all throughout their brain, resulting in their lack of empathy.

when you've got notable anti social behavior, it kind of makes psychiatrists log it as a good sign. people who suffer from this disorder tend to be a little more stable and let out anger and frustration in a healthier way.

serial killers, on the other hand, are more complicated. they've adapted to live in our society to hide said unwanted emotions. they know what's up. they know when they're supposed to cry, laugh, be mad, even if they don't understand the emotions. they keep everything under their control.

they can help a lady carry her groceries to her car, but not bc they want to, but bc they know it's what it's expected. they won't do it just because it's what they believe is right, but because it's what they have learned it's what we want.

all that info i've typed doesn't mean they're completely immune to emotions.

they have fear.

and fear turns on our instincts.

it doesn't matter how anti social a person is, we all have a fight or flight instinct deep in us. we are programmed to look after ourselves only. no matter what.

really. think about it. how many cases have there been of a serial killer attacking a boxer, or an ex navy seal dude, or a 6+' football player ?

they normally attack young ladies, or elderly people, or individuals with a disability or drug addiction.

so no, we cannot know who'll become a serial killer for sure. what we do know is that they've been around for ages, and will continue to be around way after we leave.

biology and social conditions can combine and create a criminal, sure, but even sometimes all the signs could be there and the person can be perfectly stable and kind.

first victim may be accidental. two criterial must be met: the will to kill and a secure place.

think of the first kill as the first injection of heroin, or the first drag of a cigarette. once you start and get hooked, an addiction will develop.

yes, an addiction.

so, yeah. there is no math or scientific theory that can tell us if your newborn will be the next face on national news. everyone can literally be a serial killer.

even that person you tend to bump into at school, or work.

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