Honestly it's kind of a scary new chapter in life. I've heard over and over that friends becoming anything more is a mistake. I didn't mean to fall in love with Kaelynn though, it just happened. I'm willing to take this risk.  The end results will be beautiful. I'm going to claim greatness for once. Being negative all the time ain't nothing but a big ass headache.  We just need to focus on now and worry about the future when it happens.

"I was saying that I don't know if I can see my mom today. Let's go see Mikayla."

"Faye." I motioned her closer then placed my hands on her forearms. She wouldn't look at me until I placed my fingertips against her chin. "Please don't neglect her. Hearing your voice may help her."

Her eyes strolled down my face and to my chest. My thumbs caught her tears.

"Jay I can't." If it wasn't dead silent in the hall, I wouldn't have been able to hear her soft voice.

"Okay bae. Not today. But soon, okay? Soon."

She glanced back up, lightly giggling. "Full of rhymes today I see. Come on Jay."

I followed her to Mikayla's room. She actually already had company when we entered. Zaiden of all people. It was nice to see an actual smile on her face after all this time though. She has been extremely miserable through all of this. She seemed iffy about the baby, but she was devastated to lose it.  Maybe she wanted the baby all along and was just afraid to admit it.

"Are we interrupting something?"


"No." Zaiden interrupted Mikayla. "I have to hurry up and get back to school for practice. The coach will kill me if I miss another one."

"Don't go." Mikayla frowned.

"I promise I'll call you later. I gotta go. The lovebirds gonna keep you company." He chuckled then gave her a kiss. "Rest up."

Kaelynn and I both eyed him all the way out the room. We briefly glanced at each other, then at Mikayla.

"What?" She folded her arms across her chest.

"What was that all about?" I asked. "Y'all a thing again?"

If they are, they might not need to be. They're breakup unfolded in front of the whole damn school. Neither one of them were faithful to each other. Zaiden proved that by getting another girl pregnant, while Mikayla proved it by getting pregnant by another nigga. But hey, that's their choice. If it's a mistake, then I'm sure they will learn a lesson from it.

"He was my only ounce of happiness." She teared up. "Why did he have to leave?"

Faye and I sat on opposite sides of her.  Faye put her arm around her shoulders while I lightly held one of her hands.

"Everything will be okay Mikayla. You have so much to be happy about."

"That's easy for you to say." She rolled her eyes. "You have the man you always wanted. Who do I have? "

The man she always wanted? That makes me wonder how long Faye has felt this way about me. She damn sure had a funny way of showing she was feeling me.

"You have me, Mikayla." Faye frowned up. Tears were seconds away from dripping down her face, but she held it together. "I've been a terrible sister in the past, but just know that I'll always have your back from now on. 'Til I die, I will be that big sister I'm supposed to be. One who you can trust with your life."

She stood up and faced us, looking furious as ever.

"TRUST YOU WITH MY LIFE? ARE YOU KIDDING ME! YOU TRIED TO CHOKE ME TO DEATH!" She started crying. "You didn't even protect me and my baby from Marsha. How can you say I can trust you with my life? A part of me has died, Kaelynn."

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