Kicking the Bucket

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"So, tell me about your relationship with your mom." Normani hopped straight to the point, not sugar coating anything.


"Wait, before you tell me, are you hungry? I'm starving, I'm gonna order some pizza." Mani pulls out her phone and makes the call, before standing up and walking around her desk.

"You wanna play UNO while we wait for the food?" Normani inquires, siting down and starting to shuffle the deck of colorful cards.

"Um...sure." They begin to play for a while, both of them substantially competitive, so the game gets serious quickly.

"Mani! Draw four!"

"I'm not drawing four again, you're fucking cheating."

"How did I cheat? You shuffled the cards!" Camila giggles as Normani rolls her eyes, grabbing four cards off the top of the deck. Normani gets her back eventually though, skipping her and sentencing her to losing three turns in a row. The pizza eventually comes, and they engorge themselves in the greasy slices while concentrating on their UNO championship. It reminds Camila of game night with her family, her, her parents and Sofia would gather around the dining room table, competing in mindless games for hours while laughing and acting goofy. It's a bittersweet reminisce, and she almost sinks in her sadness before Normani hits her with two skips and a draw two.

"Really Mani?" Camila rolls her eyes and takes a bite of pizza instead of drawing two, causing the doctor to raise an eyebrow.

"I don't play no games. Okay, so now tell me about your mom as I whoop your ass real quick." The chocolate skinned woman reiterates, slamming a reverse card on the table.

"She was...everything. Brave, loving, strong and intelligent. We were really close." Camila says in a quiet voice, placing down another card.

"Were? You guys fell off?"

"After my sister died, she became a druggie. Druggies can't really be good mothers." The brunette shrugs.

"How did your sister die?" The drug addict freezes then, clutching the cards in her hands.

She remembers the pain she felt when they told her her sister was dead. The wave of emotions that sent her world into a dark oblivion. She remembers how empty she felt.

"My mother was driving her home from was raining..." Camila's voice cracked as she relived the memories, not looking into Normani's eyes that bore into her soul.

"Was your mother injured in the accident?" Camila nodded her head, biting her lip as she holds back tears.

"I'm going to assume she was admitted in the hospital with your sister, that was how she got the drugs." Normani concludes, neither of them really paying attention to the game now.

"It was morphine. She had a bag of pain killers everywhere she went until she got home and got her fix." Camila explained further.

"Okay, that's enough questions for today, let me finish beating you and then you can go home." And that's how it went. Everyday was a new question, some food, and a wacky random activity.

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