The end and the beginning

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Every family 

has a story to tell

welcome to the 

beginning of 



Harper's Pov

It's scary to think that it has been four years since we first got Miko back. She was able to tell us what happened and who took her so within a matter of weeks the operation was shut down and thousands of missing girls had been reunited with their families. It was one of the greatest moments of our lives.

The relationship between my mother and I had drastically improved and over the years she proved herself and she was once again my mother. As for my father...His sentence was finally passed and he is finally in jail for life. I don't have to worry about him hurting me or my family ever again.

The door of the house opens and out walks none other than Miko herself. Her blonde hair trailing down the bottom of her back with a large smile on her face.
"Mum guess what?" She squeals running over to me hopping over the small cracks in the concrete.
"What?" I smile as she sits next to me on the small bench placed in the center of the garden.
"Dad got a man in to help me control my powers so now I have a teacher and can do all the cool stuff," She yells hope bubbling in her bright eyes.

"That's amazing Miko" I chuckle pulling her into a short hug.
When Harper turned seven she kept going through these stages and that's when Heyden finally told me about her power and why she was going to be killed. Her story went deep. Her family cursed from generations ago as it carried through the bloodline. She would hold power to destroy the world and die to her own hands or the hands of an alpha unless she has the strength to live the transformation.

We are still waiting for said transformation but we decided to get her a teacher to help her. We just hope for the love of god everything will work out and be okay. 
"Mummy mummy look what I made," Two-year-old Selia squeals happily wobbling over to us.
Selia is the only one I had actually given birth too but it didn't matter. Because I loved all of them the same and they were all my babies. 

"Selia what did I tell you about running off," Behind her Heyden was scolding her but she ignored him jumping on my knee.
On His hip sat a giggling Arthur pulling on his dad's hair. Flopping down next to me he frowned pouting. Arthur let go of his hair and reached for his hands smiling before playing with Heydens fingers finding it highly amusing.

Now Arthur has only been with us a year but he fits in just as perfectly as anyone in this family. We found him when we were doing border patrols. His mother had been involved in a rogue attack and we managed to fend them off but when she got to the pack hospital she was too far gone. So we took him in as our own and love him just the same. 

"Why do none of them listen to me," He whines as our one-year-old son continues to yank at his hair laughing happily.
"Because you don't know how to say no to them," I giggle before Selia grabs my attention by sticking a picture in my face.
She had drawn us all. Our little family and with twins on the way I know it will challenge us but we made it this far. Whats adding two more to the mix?

Heyden intertwined his fingers and mine with Arthur sat babbling on his knee. Selia sat chatting on my knee and Miko was tucked between both Heyden and me. We were one big happy family and with two angels on the way. Nothing could ruin this for us...

Or so I thought.



That's the end of Behind the Lunas smile! 

Thank you all for joining me on this journey and  I hope you enjoyed it.

Before I go THANK YOU FOR 11K!!!!!!!

I love you all so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't forget to VOTE!

-T xox

Behind the luna's smileTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang