Don't worry about me

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Harpers Pov

"Are you okay?" I frown holding onto his hand.
I was currently sat by Tyler on the sofa after Heyden knocked him out.
"Yeah I'm fine" He groaned as he got up. 
"I'm so sorry" I whisper looking at my hands.
"Hey, it wasn't your fault it was your dickhead mate who did this to me" He huffed while patting my back "If I was you I would reject his sorry ass in seconds" He added grumbling.
"What do you mean 'reject' him" I question looking up at him.
"Oh, he didn't tell you?" I shake my head "Well I would tell you but it's his job to do that" He smiles weakly before stretching and letting out a low groan. 
"Let's go get a drink" He smiled as I helped him up.
"I don't drink" I state as we walked outside and into the beautiful garden and weaved through the huge group of people dancing around the large space.
I clung to him as he guided us to the bar and I struggled to stay with him.
"I hate parties" I grumble as we finally sit on the many bar stools placed at the front of the bar.
Ivy had grown up the small white pillars that supported the carved oak beams that held up the roof of the smallish structure.
The marble counter was sat on a plane wood rectangle that had been painted a soft and pale green and the chairs were a black painted metal that had been manipulated to make the back of the chair patterned.
A small cushion was placed on top of the seats to make it more comfortable and they as well had handmade and unique embroidery on them all.
Behind the bar was a huge stainless steel fridge that was built into the wall and in the center of the back wall sat a huge flatscreen TV as well as another BBQ to the left of it apart from this one was not being used and was a lot smaller than the other one they were using now to cook for all these people.
"So what do you want if you're going to be boring and not drink" Tyler sighed.
"Just a lemonade please," I say to the bartender who smiles and goes off to make our drinks
"Ugh, why do you have to be so boring?" Tyler groans as the bartender slides over our drinks.
"I don't like alcohol it taste's like poop" I frown scrunching my face up at the thought of it.
"You are one strange girl" He chuckled taking a swig of his beer.
"I could say the same for you" I sighed taking a sipping my lemonade.


After a few hours, Tyler had to leave along with a few other of his friends because they had a surprise for him.
So, after exchanging numbers, he left me sat alone at the bar drinking my lemonade.
Heyden had left a few hours back after I refused to talk to him, so I had no way back 'home'.
He also left with a blond chick clinging to his arm which, I'm not gonna lie, hurt.
A lot.

I hugged his parent's goodbye, grabbed my bag, put on my coat and left.
I walked down the large cobble path quickening my speed when walking past alleyways and let my feet guide me.
The tall metal street lights were dotted about but still quite far from each other, leaving large spaced of haunting darkness untouched by the safety of light.
The small spots of illumination held the slightest bit of comfort every time I reached them and gave me the reassurance to keep moving.
And being the idiot I am.
I did.

The path dropped into a steep decent and I fell down it hitting my head on the harsh ground.
I had managed to miss the 'steep drop sigh' and fallen down a flight of concrete stairs into the bad part of town.
The safety of the steel street lamps had vanished and the only sound was my trainers hitting the pavement.
My mind tried distracting me from the many shadows twisting up the walls and thrashing around the empty street but failed as a loud bang echoed down the alley beside me.
Instincts kicked in and I ran over to a tall concrete set of steps and hid in the carved out space under them cowering. 
One side was covered by a slab of concrete and to cover the other I quickly piled the discarded boxes and mattress over it shielding me from the outside.
A small crack in the step enabled me to peek out without anyone seeing me which helped calm my nerves.
Several loud bangs followed a few minutes after and voices erupted from the dark space between the houses.
"PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME" A shriek followed as three large men threw another man down in front of where I was hiding.
They all had matching tattoos on their arms meaning they were in some sort of gang.
Then I saw a small girl crouched by my makeshift wall crying.
She was young, around 4 or 5 and bruises formed on her cheek and exposed arms.
I slowly pushed back the mattress, the voices in my head screaming at me not to, and got the attention of the girl.
She didn't question my offer as she scurried in and I remade my wall of protection and sat her on my knee.
shaking she hid her face in my chest as I stroked her hair and cuddled her.
The yelling continued and one final plea and gunshot left the air in deadly silence.
The image replayed in my head as i hugged the small girl tighter and whispered .
"It's going to be okay, I promise" She nodded her head and i felt her tears fall onto my chest.
"WHERE IS THE GIRL!" One of the men screamed hid eyes darting across the open space.
"She was here a second ago," The other said pointing beside our hiding place.
"WELL FIND HER AND KILL THE FUCKING BRAT OR YOU WILL TAKE HER PLACE!" A huge purple vain stuck from his bold head and pulsed as he yelled at the other smaller men.
The girl began shaking violently  as the tears continued to fall.
"Nothing is going to happen to you okay? Do you have a mummy?" I asked quietly one the men's voices were inaudible.
Unable to speak, she shook her head 'no'.
"Any other family? Like a grandma?"
Again she shook her head again "T-they shot them sisters and my brother" She whimpered.
Her long blond hair was mattered and her large piercing blue eyes were filled with tears. 
"Don't worry, I will look after you" I smile kissing her head and she smiled.
I shuffled against the 'wall' and pushed against it with my back opening it enough for us to squeeze out.
I picked her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck and fell asleep with her head in the crook of my neck.
Unsure of what to do or where to go I headed back to Heydens parents hoping it wasn't too far away.
Please god don't be too far away....


Sorry I haven't uploaded in ages but my life had been hectic at the moment.

But mostly everything is back on track now and im as happy as ever!




Tasha xox

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