The wires between us....

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A/N-The song isn't to do with the story but I thought it fit well and I was listening to this when I was writing this chapter.


The quietest people...

have the loudest minds...


Heyden's Pov

"Alpha we need you to leave" The pack doctor pleaded trying to push me out the doors.
"I'm not leaving my mate" My wolf's anger was beginning to rise.
"We cannot perform surgery with you here"
My heart sank. 
Bursting through the pale blue doors I storm out the tall building and into the woods.
The tall trunks swallowed the building as I ran further and further in.
Soon I reach a small river.
It's crystal water reminding me of her beautiful blue and green eyes.
The dark oak reminding me of her long soft flowing hair.
Surges of anger flew through my body as I flung my fist at the closest tree.
A large dent formed and blood sunk through the new cuts on my bruised knuckles.
Tears began to build as I collapse against a large mossy boulder that sat on the bed of the river.
A thousand thoughts ran a thousand miles an hour through my clouded mind.
A sickly feel spread across my body at the thought of her dying.
"HEYDEN" A panicked voice bounced off the trees and rocks littered across the landscape.
"Over here" My voice was weak.
I was weak.
"Holy shit dude what happened" Xavier emerged from the mass amount trees.
"Harp-she was-someone-they they-they" My voice stuttered them shattered.
"Whoah calm down" He sat next to me and rested on the trunk.
Taking slow breath I managed to gain some posture.
"Someone stabbed Harper and she needs immediate surgery. She might die, Xavier"  Fresh tears ran down my face and my hands were clenched into tight fists.
"Jesus do you know who did it" He questioned.
Slowly I shake my head not daring to trust my voice.
"Come on" He jumps up grabbing my arm.
"Where are we going" He began to drag me.
"The hospital. So we can get your knuckles cleaned up and see our Luna" A small smile was pasted on his face.
"okay," My dull tone not affecting him.

As we entered the hospital the low hum of murmurs silenced sending it into an uncomfortable silence.
I was led into a small room.
Xavier settled against the large door frame and then began mind linking other people.
The walls were painted in pale blues and greens.
Purple striped fell across the colours hiding multiple stains from past patients and making the experience more 'pleasant' for future ones.
An uneasy feeling had settled in my stomach as I sat on the sickly vinyl chair.
The unpleasant material stuck to my skin as the wooden frame squeaked with my movements.
A small set of blind hung loosely above the window making sure to match the colour scheme.
Across from me was an old looking computer.
It sat patiently on a small oak desk that had multiple scraped and cracks running across its fragile frame. 
Seconds later a small woman waddled into the room.
"Alpha" She bowed her head in respect before setting a small box next to the computer.
I grunt in response to tired and irritated to care.
"He hurt his hand punching a load of trees" Xavier chuckle slightly.
With a nod of her head, she peeled back the lid of the box taking out some supplies.
Carefully she dampened a cotton pad with disinfectant and reached for my hand.
Hesitantly I handed her it and she began to clean my hand.
A large stinging sensation crawled across my skin and a small hiss escaped my lips.
"Sorry Alpha" She offers a weak smile.
After a few more minutes she binned the pads and packed away her things.
"You should heal properly in a few hours but your body needs to rest, Alpha" With that she exited the room.
"Now let's go see our Luna" Xavier announced pushing me out the room.

***Harpers Pov***

My vision was invaded with white.
My eyes began to burn at the light if this place and they squinted shut.
"How does it feel?" A deep voice bounced off the nonexistent walls.
Slowly I pick myself off the ground of white smoke.
"What does what feel?" I yell back into nothingness.
"No need to shout" It growled lowly.
"Well answer me" I snap back not liking their tone.
"How does it feel to be alone" It stated coldly.
My body froze as a mechanical laugh echoed through the empty space.
"I'm not alone" I mutter.
"Don't mutter darling" It chuckles darkly.
"Oh really" Surprize was entwined in their tone.
"Yes really" A stinging sensation spread across my body.
"Well let's see, shall we.... Your Father tried to kill you, You have no friends and your mother...."
"DONT BRING HER INTO THIS" I growl only to make the voice laugh.
"Oh, I hit a soft spot did I" Its laugh stuck in my mind.
"SHUT UP" I scream as the memories hammered against my skull.
"How did she die again?" It teased.
"SHUT UP, SHUT UP" Tears streamed down my face as the memories seeped into my mind.
It gasped "Oh I remember now" It chuckled.
"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP" I curl into a small ball violently sobbing.
"It was your fault"
"NO! I DIDNT IT WASNT MY FAULT" I scream pleading for it to stop.
"You watched her die and did nothing!"
"I WAS A CHILD" I yell trying to reason with them.
"YOU LET HER DIE!" It screamed
"I WAS 8!"
But it was too late.
My mind was sent spiralling back and was yanked to the memory of my haunting past.

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