Meet Miko

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Only a child sees things 

with perfect clarity

because they haven't developed 

all those filters

which prevent us from seeing 

things that

we don't expect to see

Harpers Pov

My hand fell against the cold oak wood frantically as the yelling grew louder.
The young girl, Miko, was in my arms, was crying clinging to me shaking.
I had run into the men on the way here and they noticed the girl.
They began shooting and managed to hit my left leg and shoulder but luckily missed her.
Blood was soaking into my already wet clothes as the rain hammered against us both.
"PLEASE OPEN UP IT'S ME! HARPER! PLEASE OPEN UP!" I screamed, pleading as I knocked violently on the door.
This time It flew open just as another shot hit my other leg.
I fell in the door pushing Miko out the way of my fall and rolled inside.
The adrenalin had now worn away and the pain became overwhelming.
Slamming the door shut Rebecca knelt beside me asking questions, trying to apply pressure to my wounds while James ran out the hall ringing someone.
Miko my side crying refusing to let go.
My eyes began shutting and the sound of panicked shouting began to fade.
"Make sure Miko is okay" I whispered kissing her head and falling back to the floor, eyes slamming shut.


My legs were numb.
I felt nothing in my shoulder and I was scared to open my eyes.
But when I did, I was met with a cream and brown room.
James and Rebecca were at my bedside nursing and cuddling Miko.
"Miko, are you okay?" I groan sitting up and she was at my side instantly.
I hugged her tightly and pulled her onto the bed with me and kissed her head.
"Thank god you're okay" I whispered teary eyed.
"Thank god your okay, Harper you were shot three times!" Rebecca yelled sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Why were they after you anyway?" James added from behind his wife.
"I...I don't know. They were after Miko and....I wouldn't let them have her" I shrug instantly regretting it.
They took one look at Miko and they went pale. 
James rushed out the room and Rebecca shook her head before turning her attention back to us.
"Where is....nevermind" I frown rocking Miko gently as she drifted into a soft slumber.
"Heyden?" She asks.
"Yeah" I frown
"I'm sorry...he won't pick up" She answers looking at her hands.
"Oh" Was all I said.
There was so much more I wanted to say.
So much I wanted to scream and rant about...
But it wasn't their fault.
They weren't the ones that abandoned me, punched my friend and didn't turn up after I was shot.
So it wasn't fair to scream at them.
It wasn't their fault.
I just sighed and turned onto my side ignoring the building pain in my shoulder and legs as well as my heart.
That was the most unbearable of them all.
The aching and emotional pain of knowing he didn't care that I was shot was enough to exhaust me on its own.
So, I just covered Miko with the blanket and pulled her to my chest.
I kissed her head and said goodnight before drifting into a dreamless sleep.


I slipped out of bed and into the small bathroom attached to the room.
Miko was still asleep so, I didn't bother waking her up.
Not after last night...

Shaking the thoughts from my aching brain I peeled off the bandages and glanced at the wounds.
They had been stitched up.
That was one thing i was certain of.
Dry blood and swelled purple and green marks surrounded the area and painted an ugly memory in front of me.
I stepped into the shower and let the warm water bounce off my body.
Hissing as it hit my fresh wounds I grabbed the strawberry conditioner and shampoo and squeezed a large amount on my hand.
I massaged it into my scalp and replayed the memories of the last few days. 
Then rinsing it out my hair I let the memories go with it. 
Pushing them down into the drain of painful memories, I did the same with the conditioner and a few tears fell.
Quickly wiping them I scrubbed the dirt from my body and replaced it with the pleasant smell of mango and papaya.
After finishing I wrapped  a cream fluffy towel around my body and hair before creeping into the room.
I snuck over to the dresser in the corner and pulled out a large shirt before scurrying back to the bathroom.
I threw on the shirt and some panties as well as tying my hair up in a messy bun and entered the bedroom.
Miko was sat up yawning and stretching.
"You hungry?" I asked and her face lit up.
"Yeah yeah" She squealed jumping off the bed.
"Let's go eat them" I laughed as she grabbed my hand eagerly.
We began weaving throughout many hallways but finally made it to the kitchen. 
My legs were screaming in pain but i ignored them and grabbed the ingredients for pancakes.
I grabbed two chairs and put them in front of the counter before sitting down.
Miko followed my lead and shuffled about excitedly.
I added the flour, eggs and milk and added a small pinch of salt.
Then just as I was about to add the chocolate chips a familiar voice interrupted us.



Its a bit shorter than normal but its late and I really wanted to do this chater so yeah!




-Tasha xox

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