The new girl

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They don't have to kick me

to leave a scar even though they do


Iv had so many words to say to them

but have never had the courage.


Harper's Pov

Purple fingerprints were bruised into the skin of my chin and around my wrists.
Slowly I lift my shirt to find a perfect boot print resting on the middle of my stomach. My eyes were puffy and swollen.
Fortunately, I brought my makeup.
I quickly slide it from under my bed and rest it on a small counter that was placed next to a mirror hanging on the chipped walls.
After finally covering my bruises, from the past and present, I slip on an oversized light grey hoodie with some ripped light blue jeans and black doc martins.
Pulling my hair into braids I stuff a pencil case into an old tattered bag I pulled from one of the boxes.
Quietly I creep down the stairs. I peek around the corner to find my dad watching football with ,yet again, another bottle of vodka in his hand. His hair was a mess and bags gathered around the rims of his dull lifeless eyes.
I shuffle across the small space and just as my hand grasped the cold metal handle it was snatched away.
"Don't draw attention to yourself and stay away from everyone no matter the cost. Or else!" He growls as another wave of alcohol pierced my nose almost making me retch. Before disappearing into the kitchen he shoved me out the door and threw some keys at my head.
"I won't be home when you come back" He slurs before slamming and locking the door.
An annoyed sigh slips my lips as I pull my phone out my bag and plug in my earphones.
The music blasted through my ears and I let the loud noise consume my overwhelming thoughts buzzing through my mind. 
Down the small cobble path, turn left, turn right, left, right, right then past the hidden waterfall and through the trees. Simple. I smile to myself and sing along to the deafeningly loud music under my breath.

"Remember the moment you left me alone and
Broke every promise you ever made
I was an ocean, lost in the open
Nothing could take the pain away
So you can throw me to the wolves
Tomorrow I will come back
Leader of the whole pack
Beat me black and blue
Every wound will shape me
Every scar will build my throne
The sticks and the stones that
You used to throw have
Built me an empire
So don't even try
To cry me a river'Cause I forgive you
You are the reason I still fight
So you can throw me to the wolves
Tomorrow I will come back
Leader of the whole pack
Beat me black and blue
Every wound will shape me
Every scar will build my throne
So you can throw me to the wolves
 Tomorrow I will come back
Leader of the whole pack
Beat me black and-"
I collided with a large chest that sent me toppling to the ground and a sharp pain raced through my already aching body.
"Hey! Watch where you are going" He growled.
Instantly my eyes snapped upwards and were met with beautiful hazel ones.
"S-sorry" I stutter picking myself up.
Suddenly his eyes lit up and he muttered something under his breath.
His brown strands of hair sat messily on his head. His face was chiseled perfectly like he was created by Picasso himself and his toned body was hidden by a tightly fitted black shirt and some old looking jeans.
"No, it was my fault" He smiled. Oh god, that voice.
He had two rows of immaculate pearl white teeth and his voice was deep and husky.
He bent down to help me up and flashed another smile almost making me fall back down.
A pulse of electric flew through my body causing me to jump back from his touch.
"The names Hayden" He smirks.
"My name is Harper" I whisper.
He nods before gazing at me.
"Well it was nice seeing you Hayden but I have to get to school" I mutter looking at my feet.
"Bye Harper" My name rolled off him tongue perfectly and i tried my hardest not to shiver when he said it.

"Bye" I whisper before rushing to school.


This chapter probably sucked but hey.

I just needed to introduce Hayden to get the story started and i could get to the juicy stuff.

That sounded wierd.


Thanks for your support on both this and my other story, I love y'all




-Tasha xoxo

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