Forbidden folds

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She did not know who the author of that book was, but whoever he was, she could tell right away that this was no person to be fiddling with.

The things hidden inside its very folds were not for eyes that didn't seek power.

She knew deep down the very minute she set eyes on the first chapter that these words were not meant for her. They radiated tactic, politics, and a guide to attaining what one wanted.

This was meant to be in the hands of a King or a Politician, yet Kaurvaki could simply not take her eyes off it. None of the fishermen could read, and so they would never know. Many of the things in the book surprisingly had reason to them.

Kaurvaki smoothed the book tenderly. She remembered what her guru had said.

Knowledge is an endless sea and is within and without this world. Wherever we look it is there, but understanding it is what we lack.

She looked at the book one more time before she hid it, wrapped in a cloth and secured in a small box before she blew out the small fire.

This would be her little secret.

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