The path for answers

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"One whose rage is unconquerable, one who will not stop and proceed further and further. One who is king! One who will rise with the sun, and never stop at the dusk of the horizon!"

She stood unmoving, shocked at what the old Lady had uttered.

Her expression was that with a light of hope.

What she said had a terror to it, yet she seemed as if there was an excitement beyond it all. It was if an event would play out of bloodshed, of rage, of conquering, yet there was that chaotic sense of anticipation for it to come in her eyes.

The people shook there head in disgust as they walked by the old hag.

Kanji pulled nervously at Kaurvaki's hand. She took no heed to it. Her eyes were transfixed on the old Lady reconciling with herself in the open marketplace. She had a book in her hands. Everyone deemed for her to be mad, to be discarded by sanity itself.

"Kaurvaki....", Kanji's voice was tensed.

The women currently though currently present in the marketplace, she seemed off. Off somewhere else, somewhere magnificent, yet horrific.

Those eyes of great event splaying out turned here and there, till they matched parallel with that of the fisher girl.

Staying transfixed, boring into everything the girl herself could not see.

"You", she whispered.

Kaurvaki wasn't sure if she was talking to her. Possibly she had been the first not to avert her gaze, so the woman must have singled her out. She unsettled Kaurvaki, but yet she could not escape her stare. 

Her stomach started to flutter in excitement. She did not know why, but it was like something was coming! As if the old lady's predictions were true!

"Go Kanji, I think I found something."

Kanji looked worriedly at her. Kaurvaki slowly smiled, her eyes still looking elsewhere. This reassured Kanji somewhat, but she wasn't convinced.

"Kaurvaki...I know you can be adventurous."

"Don't worry, I'll just give her a coin. I can do that can't I?"

Kanji pondered, then nodded, "Alright", she let go of Kaurvaki's hand, but remained glued to her position.

Kaurvaki unconsciously drew a coin from her pouch and swayed forward to the old lady.

Her clothes resembled burlap rice sacks, and her graying hair swept over her head in tangled. She had a sack with possibly her belongings to the side. 

Both their gazes remained transfixed and unwavering.

Kaurvaki took the old woman's hand who looked the least bit surprised at this gesture as she placed the coin in the palm that carried a deep embarking path from the many lines that caressed the interior.

Kaurvaki bowed respectfully to the elderly woman. 

The lady smiled. "Speak child. Speak questions you harbor into your mind."

Kaurvaki was stunned. The old lady had a patient expression.

Kaurvaki had so many things that always spanned her mind. 

Why is the sky blue?

Is this what life is?

Why do I feel something greater?

She had so many things! She was restless. The woman seemed calm, yet intrigued by something.

Kauravki took a deep breath. "I don't know..."

There was a grandeur in the silence.

"But...I feel like you know much!", she started to formulate her curiosity."What is this tide that comes in? Why are your eyes filled with the valiance of fire? What is this tremor that is hopeful?"

"These child..are what distinguish you from the rest. It is good to question, not from arrogance, but from sincerity." She tightened her grip on Kaurvaki's hands. "Child, never stop questioning! For only through questions will you get answers..."

She released her grip, and a new surge of energy burst within Kaurvaki.

She stood up. There was an excitement within her, and she couldn't help but smile. 

I cannot bore myself any longer. I must seek. I must find.

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