Finding your Love

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It went wrong, a mess, unforeseen,

Washed away our love, unnatural,

Why don't u love nor respect me,

I give my all and receive nothing at all,

I'm so bonded with my gifts of life,

No turning of my love, whatever!

You churn my heart, twist the knife,

Unknown to you, I'm here forever,

From small, no memory of love and games,

Just shouting, scolding, hurt and pain,

Although not physical, but mentally bruised,

Your blind to the hatred, caused by you,

All i ask for is eye to eye trust,

A bond between, me, you, US,

A puddle of tears from this,

Maternal for me i wish,

Was it something I've done, said?

A small child needs to lay her head,

Within the warm embrace of a mother,

I found myself hiding under the cover,

Now your frail and needing of me,

I'll give u myself as always you see,

But your so selfish, you thrown it all back,

once again my hearts under attack,

Once more I'm wanting, before it's too late,

For you to become, mother, unconditional soul mate.

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