Listen - A Short Story by @RoshelleD

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Ixzy trudged up the ramp. Behind her, the supplies gleamed under the harsh lighting. She steadied her steps before walking up to the greenish man with one antenna sticking out of his forehead.

"What brings you here?" The man's one black eye scanned everything.

Ixzy wiped the sweat from her brow, then ran a hand through the line of dark hair that went down the center of her head. She looked around again. Gray walls. One giant window that gave a full view of the three moons in the distance. Ixzy had to remember the purpose of the mission. The supplies.

"Well?" The man's terse tone defied his calm stance.

Ixzy nodded. "I'm from another planet. Let's just say we're neighbors."

"Why are you here?"

To save lives. But she couldn't tell this man that. He was the enemy. It wasn't until they were beaming in that First Official Sanborn realized the error. The supplies were supposed to be going to a set of base camps further south. Leaving them here with this man would mean they'd never reach their destination. And with that, the entire mission would be a failure.

One Ixzy couldn't afford.

"I have something you want. How about you come on board so I can show it to you?"

The man's eye narrowed. "Are you offering yourself to me? Because that's the only way you'll ever get me on to that monstrosity."

What?? How dare this turd insult her ship. She had to be quick. They'd needed him to get on in order to activate the targeting system. Once he left the ship, they'd be able to track him anywhere. Figured he would be paranoid. But then what villain wasn't?

Ixzy looked back at her Second Official. If she could lure him away from the area, they could plant the tracker on him. Ixzy's head pounded and her stomach churned as the full gravity of her hastily made plan sank in. She could barely stand being this close to him, never mind having to touch him. Her throat burned.

"You wish." Ixzy shook her head. "Though I did have a couple of questions about what was going on here. I see those buildings you're working on." She pointed in the direction of the desert.

"Need to know. Now I don't have time to sit around here lollygagging with some tramp." He came closer. "What's your purpose for being here." He grabbed Ixzy by the back of her neck. She didn't flinch even though his slimy fingers kept dancing up and down her skin like a line of ants.

If only she could break those fingers. Ixzy reached her hand behind her in an attempt to free herself when the man howled. Ixzy couldn't believe her eyes as she looked at the man's hand which was slowly turning to ice.

You know what you need to do. The voice pushed its way into her head.

So Ixzy did what anyone else in her position would do and froze.

For the past two years war had broken out in this end of the Lateppian galaxy. Little by little, each planet had been drawn into the conflict. It was a constant game of cat and mouse. The ultimate hope was that they would defeat these one-eyed assholes. Ixzy and her crew had to think fast. And in the end one of them could die. But this cargo had to be brought to those in need.

So many unnecessary deaths.

This war needed to end.

Ixzy thought of her father, trying to channel his brusque demeanor as he contemplated what was next for the subset of four planets he ruled. If she had her way, she'd be by his side. He used to allow her to hang around the enclaves with the other planetary rulers, but as Ixzy aged, he pushed her further away. Now here she was, face to face with a death monger. All to show Father she could face whatever came her way. That's what planetary rulers in training did. Unfortunately for her, Father cared what everyone thought. Even though this was something she'd prepared for during most of her adult life, her father despised those who used connections to get into positions of power.

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