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Conviction: A Spectras Arise Novella, by TammySalyerAuthor

Conviction: A Spectras Arise Novella, by TammySalyerAuthor

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If Corps Tech Sergeant Aly Erikson wants to survive another day, she'll have to give up everything: her identity, her rank, her attachment to her brothers-in-arms, and most of all, her guilt.

After doing her duty as a member of a ground infantry squad tasked with "neutralizing" an insurrection by non-citizens on a mining planet, Erikson realizes that everything she thought the Corps stood for, thought she stood for, is crumbling away. Where is the honor, the justice, the spirit of law? When the enemies are nothing more than outclassed and outgunned dregs of the Algol System's forgotten people, being part of their execution squad puts her as far from the ideals of justice as Aly can imagine. Haunted by their ghosts, she struggles to maintain her military bearing until even that is suddenly ripped away in an act of terrorism that sends her, her brother, Tech Sergeant David Erikson, and another Corpsmember, Rebecca Soltznin, on the run on a hostile planet. Forced for the first time in ten years to blend in with a civilian population, the three are faced with a single choice: regroup with the Corps or become deserters. For Aly, it's easy; why go back to being a cog in the death machine the Corps is becoming? But for the other two, the price for making the wrong decision may be higher than they're willing to pay.

On the run, under attack from the scavengers who plague the system, and out of options, the three face conflict from every direction. If they can't find a way to fight together, their chances for survival are less than zero. And for one of them, the best solution may come down to one simple act: betrayal.

Haladras, by mfarnz

Haladras, by mfarnz

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A desert planet. A dangerous secret.

When Skylar's enigmatic uncle warns him to stay away from the mysterious winged insects that have been sighted on other planets, he thinks little of it; no one has seen the insects on their own planet of Haladras. His uncle knows more than he's telling, though. The creatures are not insects, but machines. And they're hunting for Skylar. Only after Skylar narrowly escapes capture and flees Haladras with his uncle does he learn the whole truth. What his uncle reveals will shatter Skylar's world. Torn from the girl he loves and thrust into the center of a conflict that will consume the empire, Skylar must fight for all he cares for, even as he struggles to know who he can trust.

Architects of Destiny (Cadicle #1: An Epic Space Opera Series), by Amy_DuBoff

The lost colony of Earth has no idea that the galaxy-spanning Taran empire is on the brink of war

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The lost colony of Earth has no idea that the galaxy-spanning Taran empire is on the brink of war...

Cris Sietinen, heir to the most influential Dynasty in the Taran empire, was born with rare telekinetic gifts--abilities he refuses to ignore, regardless of the governing Priesthood's decrees. Determined to be true to himself, and test the limits of his abilities, Cris escapes his stifled life of business and politics on Tararia to begin a new life exploring the stars.

When Cris unexpectedly receives an invitation to join the Tararian Selective Service (TSS), the only organization to offer an official telekinesis training program, a new future awaits. It's his dream opportunity to be among people like himself, free from the Priesthood and political objectives. Except, Cris' path was designed, and he's right where the Priesthood wants him.

Tevun-Krus #47 - Galactic EmpireDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora