Conviction - A Review by @Red_Harvey

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Tammy Salyer has written a trilogy in the Spectras Arise series, with "Conviction" serving as a prequel.

In this novel, the galactic empire is known as the Political and Capital Administration of the Advanced Worlds, or as the voracious narrator, Aly Erikson, refers to them as: the Admin.

Aly begins the story describing her recent bout of cage fighting, thunder-dome style. Seeing as how she's an Admin soldier, the reader has to figure out the evolution of her current situation. Eventually, it's revealed that Aly's just on leave, and cage fights for money, adding to her badass appeal.

The central story emerges in Chapter 2, when Aly refers to the suppression work her contingent has participated in. It's rumored that smaller units within the Corps have rebelled. To squash a possible spread, Aly's unit have cracked down on any settlements participating in illegal activities, no matter big or small the offense. Aly has trouble accepting these orders, or others she deems immoral. She flashes back to a particularly disturbing scene where she is ordered to shoot all hostiles, children among them be damned.

In terms of must-read sci-fi, "Conviction" is high up on the list.

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