The Uploaded Psychic - A Short Story by @SarahWeaver6

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IPvRV, or Internet Protocol over Remote Viewers. It involve using flying darts with encrypted session coordinates, lower gestalt, dimensional details, and historical details across multiple psychics, in order to communicate macro details about specific targets.

IN1857 was one such remote viewer of the second generation, when many processes became computerized.

Generally more often used to find allies with specific skill sets, rather than using it to find a mole. The old fashioned method of being a mole had gone the way of the dinosaur around the rebirth of the NSA around the Snowden age, with remote viewing even more underground. It just approaches the level of top secret crypto and other security clearances, now in the new dawn of the galactic empire the have expanded their potential. Now they are used to find live able planets. The technology we know of in the real world composed of current generation laptops, yet quantum computing is generations far ahead of what the mainstream technical world understands. Yet there is so much data, it makes it hard for some remote viewers to filter out the noise from the real details.

She saw images of people's faces, some resembling family members. Yet others came from Thailand, New York, and Montreal. She could see the dark haired braces among the looks of cute Francophone girls, as well as the generically tailored garments from Chinese industry, expanding into the solar power business.

She wondered whether China would mean the same thing once people expand into the stars. IN1857 didn't remember her birth name, or even whether she was a natural child, or grown in a vat. She kept a finicky fox with long ears as a playmate to help her with her PTSD. Most of her memories were of various remote viewing experiments she had that were revealed to her on a need to know basis. Yet every now and then she would have images of Korea in her mind's eye.

Flying bombs, atomic warfare just on the horizon's edge. In wakefulness that felt like a dream, reality was tearing itself at the seams. Ships were not the only ones that could bend space and time, and yet beyond this edge of the tear, she saw another world. She could saw all three dimensional points in time. One was the dinosaur age, one was the giant mammal age, one was ancient warfare age, the beheaded king's wives age, the guillotine age, and the modern age.

In her search for livable planets, she wondered why it was it was only the underground military industrial complex that got to benefit. There was an entire floating city she was living in that most Earth bound dwellers could not even dream of.

This is the story of such a search.

An experience much like a dream.

-- On target, coordinates 35 and 16. Sending flying wing.

-- Landed, Intel received.

It was an Earth like planet 1.5 times it's size. Even just a little bit of a size difference means a huge change in gravity. For traitorous women, their chance at redemption was capital punishment. They would be forced to be the first to try the planet's air. She had known a lady who tried to murder the Great Mayor, Sometimes he could be a bit of a dick. In previous generations she would have been burnt at the stake. But this was a humane age.

Her face would suffocate from the stale air.

But it was a survivable planet.

Lucky bitch.

Paper gliders were often presented as being first invented in ancient China, although IN1857 was unsure what they looked like. Most of the paper airplanes she was most familiar with were darts and paper gliders. Her experiments with flying wings were influenced by the B2 Stealth Bomber.

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