Closing Time

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Now who the hell was expecting that issue to be so jam-packed with the meatiest sirloin beef this side of Iwo Jima? Not me, for one. It started out kinda tiny, and I was like, "Damn, is this gonna be a micro-issue?" But then the submissions kept coming in and I actually had to tell the good people at Hotmail to leave me alone for a few days.

And it's all thanks to you kind folks, both #TeamOoorah and other Wattpadders who've come along for the ride.

This year is almost done, as far as Tevun-Krus goes. We've got StonePunk next month, then it's Best of 2K17—thirty-eight brand-new stories from all the main sub-genres we've tackled thus far—and then it's the biggest milestone yet: TK50. No that's not 05, that's 50. Fifty, as in five times ten.

Holy hell, huh?

Those of you—and you know who you are—who've yet to make your selections, please do so as soon as possible. We want that release to be as smooth and as wicked as possible.

And then we'll finish things off with our annual Christmas special—as you might have seen if you were keeping an eye on the poll we were spreading around earlier in 2017, this year's gonna be A Very Post-Apocalyptic Christmas!

Sound cool? Maybe it'll be a nuclear winter. That's your tale to tell.

And then it's 2018, a brand-new year. What does Tevun-Krus have in store for you then?

You'll just have to wait and see, my friends. We promise it'll be good, though. That's an Ooorah Mothertrooper promise!

Tevun-Krus #47 - Galactic EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now