"He said it was a special place where villains could find redemption. Regina, Rumplestiltskin told us how you've changed and we've changed too. We've learned our lessons and we'd like a chance to prove it to you. Please. Let us in." She asked through the phone. Maya couldn't tell wether they were serious or not, but she didn't want to assume they were here to mess everything up.

Regina sighed. "Sorry dear but we have enough problems without inviting two-" she said before the bat creature roared.

"Is one of those problems a hell bat with beast eyes and devil horns?" Ursula asked.

"How did you know that?" Regina asked confused. It made Maya wonder if they knew it would be here.

"Because that's the exact same sound it made before it tried to kill me." Ursula answered with ease.

"Oh so you've faced this creature before?" Regina asked.

"Yes and I can tell you exactly what it wants." Ursula responded.

"How convenient." Regina answered with a sigh.

Emma covered up the phone and looked to Regina. "They've been living in a land without magic. How could they do it?" Emma whispered, trying to see if they could be lying.

"The must've used the hat." Maya answered quietly.

"Ugh." Regina grumbled. "I know."

"Fine. Tell us what it wants." Regina said through the phone.

"And then you'll let us in?" Ursula asked.

"Even if I wanted to I couldn't." Regina answered with a scoff.

"Well then I guess you are on your own." Ursula answered.

Emma covered the phone again before Regina snapped back. "The snow queens scroll. It let her in before, maybe we can use it to let them in." Emma suggested quietly.

"All right squid. If your information pans out then we'll consider letting you in." Regina said through the phone.

"Deal." Ursula responded after waiting a few seconds. "What it wants is simple. The heart of the person with the most potential for darkness." Ursula answered.

"Let's hope you aren't lying." Regina said sassily before ending the call. She sighed standing up. "So now we know that this beast is after me."

"I'm not so sure it is." Emma answered looking to Regina. She had turned towards the light. It didn't make sense that it was her.

"Of course its after me. Ursula said it devours the heart with the darkest potential." She answered closing the curtains. "I mean is there a dwarf named evil-y? It's me." She answered with frustration.

"We aren't just going to sacrifice you." Maya said looking at her.

"I'm not sure you have much of a choice." Regina answered.

"Wait that thing is magical right?" Emma asked.

"Is say magical is a pretty good guess." Regina answered.

"If it's magic then it can't leave town. So what if we make it leave?" Emma asked.

"It would probably disappear into nothing." Maya answered.

"No magic, no beast." Regina answered.

"So then let's get it to cross the town line." Emma said looking to Regina.

CURIOUS: Sensational ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 4]Where stories live. Discover now