Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Ariana's POV

No! I don't want this dream. The graveyard dream. I saw the gravestones, no different from before. I sighed, as I was pulled into the black room again.

"You decided to leave the Katherine and Elena tombstone alone." The voice bellowed.

"I have a lot going on. It's impossible for me to balance all that stress. I can't control everything, but I need to focus on controlling my powers. Otherwise, I would be the monster I never wanted to be." I rambled at the voice.

"Your words are well spoken." Was all the voice said.

"I do intend on carrying on with the other tombstones, because hopefully by then I will have my powers under control...hopefully...." I said. I heard the voice reply something but I didn't hear it as I felt myself come back to itself.

My eyes burst open as Light flooded in.


Damon's POV

I sat in the living room and stared at the phone.

You've got to call him, the voice in my head rambled on.

If you don't call him, she will go mad. He is the only answer.

But something was also stopping me. If I called him, I would look pathetic and Ariana would find out how I sent him away. She would hate me again.

Stop being so selfish, my head told me again. That's when it hit me, I was being selfish, I have I call him, for my daughter.

I picks up the phone and called Klaus. I sighed as it rang. Was I doing the right thing? Well there's no backing out now. I told myself.

"Hello." A thick British voice said through the phone. The voice that I hated, despised.

"Klaus." Was all I said. He chuckled as I could practically hear the smirk on his face.

"What owes me the pleasure Damon?" He asked.

"It's...Ariana." I said as he quickly replied.

"What's happened Damon? What happened to Aria?" He asked his voice getting angry.

"She's going insane. She won't leave her room. She seeing things. She hasn't drunk blood for a week now. All because she scared. Scared of herself." I told him.

"You said I wasn't good for her . That I should never come back." He said the anger in his voice getting thicker.

"She needs you Klaus." I said gritting my teeth. I hated to admit to but she did.

"I'll be right there." He said before hanging up.


Klaus' POV

I was in the living room with a glass of whiskey. Just sitting there, thinking. That's when my phone began to buzz in my pocket. I sighed. I really didn't feel like answering but, who knows if could be important.

"Hello." Was all I said, as I was wondering who was brave enough to phone me. Especially at this particular time.

"Klaus." Was all he said. But I knew straight away who it was and I couldn't help but chuckle before replacing it with a smirk,

"What owes me the pleasure Damon?" I asked him. I didn't want him to know I was breaking down inside. So I added a bit of cockiness.

"It's...Ariana." He said. I tensed. Aria, something's wrong. The way he said it. There's something terribly wrong and it involved Aria.

Damons Daughter (TVD Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora