Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Aria's POV

I could see a man. He wasn't that young nor old, in his late teens maybe. He was very good looking. He was stuck, in a box , drowning.He couldn't breath. He was struggling to shout, scream but nothing escaped his lips. I wanted to help him but I found myself useless. I stared more closely at him, he looked some what familiar. But then he gasped and his eyes fluttered shut. Had he just died?! I stared closely at him trying to shake him but I couldn't. I wanted to scream and help but I couldn't. He was dead. I looked at him believing he was dead when suddenly his eyes fluttered open. He was gasping for breath all over again, trying to scream and shout, before his eyes drifted shut again. He was a vampire. But who?

I gasped and my eyes flung open as I sat up. Sweat trickling down my forehead. I panted franticly as I reached for my notepad next to my bed and began to draw. When I finished I stared down at my work. I was always good at art. I had drawn the man. I shook it off and I got out of bed and walked over towards the bathroom. I took of my clothes and turned on the shower and stepped inside, letting the hot water cleanse my skin.

When I got out I took a towel and wrapped it around my body. I walked out of the bathroom and towards the cupboard.

"Morning."I heard a voice say, as it made me jump. I turned around to find my dad standing there, looking at the picture-frame on the chest in the corner before placing it down.

"Morning." I looked at him.

"How did you sleep?"He told me as I replied,

" Ok."I said cautiously as I looked at the ground.

"What's wrong Ariana?" He looked at me with concern written all over his face.

"Nothing... Just a bad dream."

My dad laughed.

"Remember it's only a dream."I chuckled as he walked out of the room and down the stairs. I sighed, knowing I probably should have told him more about my dream but I refused to worry about it until I was dressed and downstairs. I pulled open my wardrobe to find no clothes. Great I thought as I grabbed my dirty clothes from the day before and pulled them on. I quickly rushed to the bathroom ,grabbing the short supply of make up that I had brought with me. I applied some foundation, mascara and eyeliner as well as applying some lipgloss. I quickly brushed and curled my hair before pulling on my boots and leather jacket and heading downstairs.

I walked into the living room to see my dad and Elena kissing. Soon enough they realised I was there and stopped.

"Don't let me interrupt anything." I smirked and walked over to the bourbon and poured myself a glass.

"Yep definitely your daughter." Elena stated as she pulled away from my dad.

"Well I better get going or Caroline is going to kill me." She laughed as she headed towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked as I took a sip of my bourbon.

"College." She stated and opened the door before turning to dad.

"Please watch Jeremy, Damon. He's going through a rough patch. Everyone thinks he faked his own death, please watch out for him." My dad nodded as he gave Elena a goodbye kiss. Then she left closing the door behind her.

"She's a charmer." I smirked as my dad stared at me.

"Don't be mean now. She's nice once you get to know her." I laughed as I poured myself another glass of bourbon.

"So what do you wanna do?" He asked me as I sat on the couch opposite.

"Well I can tell you what we are not doing. We are not doing any soppy father, daughter bonding, it's so boring." I rolled my eyes as my dad gave me a smirk.

"Fine." He agreed as I knew he wasn't up for it either.

"Well I am gonna go shopping as I have no clothes at all. " I smirked as I got up and chugged down the last of my bourbon before heading out if the house.
Elena's POV

I was walking down the Whitmore college campus with Caroline next to me. I was finally in college, I never thought I would make it. But what about Stefan. Where was he?

"So you've had this 'feeling' that something's wrong with Stefan." Caroline asked with raised eyebrows.

"Maybe I should call him."I suggested to her.

"So he can hear how happy you are with Damon? Absolutely not. He'll call you when he's ready." She stated.

"So I should just live with this nagging pit in my stomach?" I asked her knowing she was right.

"Okay, Elena, that pit is called guilt. You feel terrible because you broke Stefan's heart, and that nagging feeling is your brain waking up to tell you that you've made a horrible, yet completely reversible mistake." She smirked.

"Nice try. Besides, Stefan and I left things in a good place." I told her with my eyes looking at the floor feeling a little guilty.

"It doesn't mean he hasn't been thinking about you shacking up with his brother all summer long" I stared at her in shock.

"Anyway, did you know Damon had a daughter? She just's shows up at the doorstep completely out of the blue." I told her with shock and a hint of jealously, knowing he would be spending a lot of time with her and not me.

"Wait hold up Damon has a daughter?!" Caroline gasped as I was about to reply when Liz jogged up to us.

"Hello I'm still here." I hoped she didn't here any of that. That would be embarrassing.

"We're in college, Caroline." I gasped as I was finally realising the reality.

"We actually made it. We're here!" Caroline shrieked with excitement. This is gonna be so much fun.
Arias POV

I walked through the mall as I looked for a few of my favourite shop. I was beginning to give up and look for a different shop when I saw it. Urban Outfitters. My favourite. Of course there wasn't one in mystic falls I had to follow my phone to show me where the closest urban outfitters was. I love my phone.

I walked through the store as I picked out ten items of each clothing. All together I had ten different outfits, excluding the three dresses I was buying. I walked towards the jewellery when the manager gave me a weird look. She obviously thought I couldn't pay for all of this. She was right, I couldn't but I had compulsion and it was the next best thing. After trying on everything and picking out my favourite pieces of jewellery, especially the feather earrings, I walked up to the counter.

"I would like all of this." As I showed the clothes.

"Are you sure you can pay for all that, I mean your only like eighteen." She smirked.

"I'm pretty sure." I smirked back as she swiped in all the tags on the clothes.

"Cash or card" she asked.

"Card." I told her as I handed her a fake card.

"Um... This is..." I interrupted her.

"No you will pretend to pay with this card and then give me all the clothes for free." My pupils dilated as she nodded and did exactly what I asked. She gave me back my card and I smirked at my cunning plans. Because, you see, you always have got to be carful of security cameras these days. I smirked to myself as I grabbed my bags, which there were plenty of, and left the store. I loved my life.
Hoped ya liked it! Pls

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