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"did you have fun without me baby?"he chuckled while taking a sip of the tea i made him.

i sat down beside him on the couch,"hell no i missed you so much you can't even imagine!"

"i missed you more"he said with a smile.

"oh really ?"

"trust me,you were all i ever talked about to andrea."he said while taking another sip of his tea.


"who's andrea?"i questioned

"my assistant,she's very neat and organized very helpful too.a beautiful young lady as well.its funny because she would always ask what was on my mind,do you know what my answer was?"i put my tea cup down and whispered "no".

but it was barely even audible.

"i would always say, i'm thinking of the most gorgeous woman ever and how proud i am to call her mine."he smiled while looking into my eyes.

i immediately pulled him into a hug,embracing his wonderful scent of cologne.

"i feel like such a fool."i said while letting out a yawn,its currently 3a.m and i'm drinking tea,i lay my head on his chest.

"and why is that?"he says as i feel his heart beating against my ear.

"because i think about you all the time actually. and i think you're the man i really love."

he started blushing and laughing like a innocent school boy.

"and it makes my heart flutter, the way that I can make you laugh like that

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"and it makes my heart flutter, the way that I can make you laugh like that."i said while pecking his cheek.

"this is why i love you,you always find a way to make me feel so loved even if it's at 3a.m"he said while pulling me into a kiss.

oh how i missed his lips,i almost forgot the taste of his lips and the way his body perfectly was made for mine.

he began studying my hand and traced little circles on the lines of my palm in all seriousness.

"can you really read palms?"i jokingly ask.

"yes."he says while wiggling his eyebrows which make me giggle.

"oh really huh? well since you can read palms then what's my future?"i smile at him innocently.

and i swear as i said those words  his eyes lighted up like a thousand fireflies ,a smile crossed his lips.

"us."he whispers.

lingerie; j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now