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he looked away.

"you see this is why i didn't want to do this in the first place."i replied.

i tried leaving his lap but his hands were gripped on my waist.

"listen to me,i respect your decision if you think you aren't ready and i have to share something as well,"he said while making eye contact with me.

his eyes,oh how gorgeous.

"it's also going to be my first."he said in a hushed voice.

there is no fucking way he is still a virgin.

i gave him a confused face.

"i'm confus-"he interrupted me.

"there is nothing to be confused about okay? i mean i know i just met you but you're something and i'm not trying to offend you in any way but you're not like the rest."he looked away.

"seriously?every guy says that!and why is it such a big deal if you're a virgin or not?"i asked him.

"i would like to ask you the same question."he took his hands away from my waist and crossed his arms.

"I don't want to talk about this not now,not ever leave me alone."i stood up and quickly ran to the bathroom and closed the door.

why are these guys the all the same?

all they want is sex!

and they will eventually end up leaving.

bringing me back memories of him.

how much i hate my ex.

he used me.

and now i'm afraid jungkook will use me too?

i just met him for gods sake how can i already be so attached to him especially have a flirtatious relationship?

i need him out of my house.

i wiped away my tears.

why am i crying?

i walked down the stairs and noticed jungkook wasn't here.

"jungkook?"i said.

No reply.

"jungkook!?"i said louder.

where could have he gone?

still no reply.

i walked out to my front yard.

his car wasn't here anymore.

did i imagine the whole thing?

no that couldn't have happened.

i walked back in and plopped down on the couch.

*bzz bzz*

i quickly went to pick up my phone which was by the coffee table.

and a notification popped up.

unknown: hey i decided to leave sorry if i made things worse,text me when you're not sad love you xx

me: jungkook?

unknown: call me daddy ;)

me: why did you leave?

jungkook: i heard you crying and it broke my heart i didn't want to see you in that shape

jungkook: it's my fault i'm so sorry

lingerie; j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now